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: *.☽ .* :☆゚32.double dates

❝to think last week, you two were going on about having no chance at romance and now you're dating! holy shit!❞

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to think last week, you two were going on about having no chance at romance and now you're dating! holy shit!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"my names [name] [lastname] and i know it's last minute but i'd really like to join your club! if you'd let me," [name] announced to the 3 members of karasuno's film club bowing as far as she could go. although she had come a long way with her social skills, she was still terrible at asking for things...

all three members of the club stared in awe at the fact at the karasuno high school heartthrob had asked them to join their not so popular club. had hell frozen over?

"of — of course you can, [lastname]!" the president of the film club stuttered out. [name] lifted her head and flashed a bright smile. "you'll have to fill out a form though," he told her, almost forgetting that part.

"ahhh! i can't thank you enough!" she squealed out, grabbing the hand of the president and shaking it a bit too hard but not like he cared. the president tried his hardest to suppress the large blush on his face, he had to keep reminding himself that she was just being nice and not to mention she was taken...

"i'll see you at the next club meeting then!" [name] beamed once she had finally filled out the form. she pushed herself up from the seat and went towards the door but not before turning and waving at the three members with their eyes still glued to her. "i have to get back to my friends now, buh bye!" she waved.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"that's basically it, really," [name] finished her story and went back to chewing on her lunch. makoto and ami were leaned in close on the other side of the table listening carefully.

"really, they just let you join like that?!" ami gasped, slapping her hands on the table. [name] cringed at the loud noise and the fact that she was attracting unwanted attention once again. the ex cheer captain nodded her head at the two girls, ami mumbled a small wow.

"don't act so surprised," makoto elbowed ami's side, "those types of clubs are nothing like sports, you don't really have to try out for them you know," makoto chuckled. ami puffed her cheeks and let out a small 'oh'.

"lucky most of them spend their lunch in the club room, so it was easy to find them—" [name] began but was interrupted by ami who quickly recovered from her pouting only moments ago.

"wait, wait, wait! you're not going to spend all your lunches in there now are you?!" she exclaimed, her hands hitting the desk once again as loud as ever. [name] scrunched up her nose at ami's dramatic attitude. "please don't [name]! i already miss you so much at cheer practice, don't leave us at lunch as well!" ami whined, leaning further over the table and grabbing [name]'s hands.

"yeah, miss [name], dont leave us!" makoto joined in, clasping her hands together, pushing out her bottom lip and leaning on ami shoulder. if makoto loved anything, it was annoying her old cheer captain.

"don't start! i'm not going anywhere," [name] huffed, puffing out her cheeks. makoto and ami let out loud laughs and ceased her whining.

"don't be like that, [name]! with you leaving the cheer squad we don't get to see you that much anymore, of course we're going to miss you!" makoto said between laughs, "not to mention all you do is spend time with your boyfriend, mrs sugawara!" makoto smirked, leaning forwards to boop [name]'s nose. [name]'s whole face turned a bright shade of red as she let out a small squeak of embarrassment.

"o-oh yeah?" [name] stuttered, face as red as ever. "well — uh — you can't say much mrs nanami!" [name] laughed at her shit, quick thought comeback. makoto's eyes widened at [name]'s comment. her and ami's faces quickly began to match the colour of [name]'s.

"the hell?! how'd you know about that?" makoto exclaimed, her face was full of shock.

"wait, what? you two are actually dating?" [name] gasped. makoto crossed her arms and nodded with the blush on her face as prominent as it could be. ami nervously played with her fingers. "and you kept in a secret?" [name] questioned, narrowing her eyes at the two girls before her.

"don't get the wrong idea, [name]!" ami said, shaking her hands in front of her face, "we only made it official like yesterday, it's not like we're hiding it from you!"

ami and makoto watched as [name]'s lips shook and quivered. both their breaths were catch in their throats. [name]'s eyes squeezed together and she opened her mouth to let out a loud laugh?

"w-what's so funny?" ami stuttered out as she watched her ex captain laugh to the point of tears. [name] shook her head and tried her best to recover from her laughing fit.

"it's just so cute!" she said, still laughing. "to think last week, you two were going on about having no chance at romance and now you're dating! holy shit!"

ami and makoto looked at each other with furrowed brows for a moment but in the end decided to join in on the laughter.

"hey, we can go on double dates now!" ami beamed, clapping her hands together with stars in her eyes. makoto and [name] both raised an eyebrow at her. "oh come, you and sugawara," she began pointing a finger at [name], "and me and makoto!" she finished, moving her finger between her and her girlfriend.

"sounds great, ami," [name] smiled.

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told you i'd make them date

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