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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚21.number

❝i guess you're just special, suga❞

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i guess you're just special, suga

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"know you, there's this movie i really want to see coming out this weekend..." [name] trailed off. sugawara lifted his head from staring his feet to look at the girl, standing by her gate. he hummed to show he was listening. "i did ask ami and makoto but they both said they're busy, so..."

"you want me to go with you?" sugawara finished her sentence with a hint of surprise in his voice. [name] puffed her cheeks and tried hide a blush. it took a lot of guts to even mention this movie thing to sugawara. after the conversation with ami and makoto at lunch during the day, [name] did a lot of thinking, with the voice of ami whispering 'dont fuck it up, [name]!' in her mind constantly as she thought.

she decided that even though she couldn't really accept any sort of feeling she had for sugawara anytime soon. she could hang out with him more often. just as friends of course and that was enough for her.

"yes..." she mumbled, stuffing her hands in her coat pockets and stopped once they reached her house, "you don't have to if you're busy with volleyball and stuff."

"sure, i'd love to go with you, [name]," sugawara chucked at the cheerleader's awkwardness. [name]'s eyes light up with excitement as soon as he agreed.

"o-oh, great!" she stuttered. "the screening is on saturday, i'll text you the details." she said and then pushed her front gate open to leave.

"wait, [name]!" sugawara called over to her. [name] turned to look at him.

"y-yeah?" she was stuttering a lot right now, sugawara couldn't help but notice. he thought it was really cute.

"i don't have your number," he laughed.

"oh! right yeah!" [name] made her way back to him and struggling to pull out a pen from her bag. "i almost forgot, gimme your hand for a second." sugawara raised an eyebrow, his eyes shifting from [name] to his hand. "so i can write my number on your hand," [name] elaborated.

"oh yeah, that makes sense," sugawara chuckled, lifting his hand so [name] could take it. with her tongue locking out from her lips in concentration, [name] messily scribbled her number on the back of his hand.

"you know, i don't give out my number to many people," [name] giggled as she let go of sugawara's hand, he let it drop to his side. "i guess you're just special, suga," she teased before wandering inside her house but not before giving sugawara a quick wave.

"oh wow..." sugawara blushed furiously, still stood by [name]'s front gate.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

he scrambled to take out his phone once he got home. quickly typing the number into his contacts.

suga: hey, [name]! it's suga :)

sugawara couldn't help but cringe as he pressed send. letting out a breath he slumped onto his bed, allowing all the panicked thoughts to spin around in his head.

was he too friendly? was the smiley face weird? did he text her way too quickly? why the hell did he use an exclamation mark? the quiet chime of his phone caused him to shoot up and pick up his phone, almost dropping it right on his face.

suga: hey [name]! it's suga :)

hey suga, nice to finally text u ;) :[name]

sugawara almost had a heart attack. was the winky face intentional? it couldn't have been, [name]'s not the type of person. right??

"seriously, you really are going to be the death of me, [name]," sugawara whispered to himself with a soft smile.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

we got to 16k so FAST WTF i luv you all

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