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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚20.like in my romance anime

❝anyways, [name], this thing between you and sugawara sounds adorable, please do not fuck it up❞

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anyways, [name], this thing between you and sugawara sounds adorable, please do not fuck it up

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

—❝has he really been staring all this time?❞ makoto questioned as all three cheerleaders subtly eyed yukio, who was staring quite intensely over to where they all sat a lunch.

"ignore him," ami said sharply, taking a bit out her sandwich. makoto and [name] made quick eye contact before unanimously deciding to follow ami's orders.

"you know, i'm super proud of you, ami," makoto grinned, placing her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands. "you finally got the guts to end it!"

"yeah he really was a shitty boyfriend..." she trailed off her eyes travelling back to yukio once more, who was of course still staring. her face made a uncomfortable expression. "i didn't think he'd stare so much though..." she muttered. all three girls looked back at the soccer player once more, makoto and [name] hummed in agreement. "for a guy that said he didn't plan to stay with me, he sure is making a fuss," ami joked.

"he's probably just pissed that you broke up with him instead of him breaking up with you," makoto chuckled, "guys like him always have fragile egos~" ami giggled at makoto's words.

"speaking of relationships, how's you and sugawara doing?" ami smirked over at [name], who tried her hardest not to let her face flush.

"how many times do i have to tell you he's just my friend?" [name] grumbled. ami sighed and shook her head.

"you know i can't believe that, [name]," she pestered some more, leaning in close to the head cheerleader. "come on, makoto, back me up here, there is one hundred percent something going on!" ami said, bringing makoto into the conversation.

"nuh uh, my lips are sealed, my dear friend," makoto shook her head. ami let out a loud gasp and slammed her hands on the table. this caused the other two to jump a little due to the sudden sound and some onlookers to give confused looks.

"so, it's true, there something going on between you two!" she beamed, looking at makoto and [name], back and forth.

[name] scowled over in her vice captains direction. "ahaha, sorry [name]..." makoto laughed awkwardly and played with her fingers.

"tell me what's happening, tell me, [name], tell me!" ami begging, shaking the arm of the [h/c] haired girl.

"he almost kissed me the other day," [name] blurted out. makoto and ami exchanged looks in silence before turning back with wide eyes.

"wait you never told me that!" makoto yelled whispered, trying her best not to attract anymore attention from the people around them. ami leaned in, curious to learn more.

"you didn't ask," [name] shrugged, sinking into her seat.

"well, what happened? why made it an almost kiss not an actual kiss?" ami questioned her cheer captain.

"he just leaned in a kissed my cheek instead, that's all really," [name] explained. ami awed, her eyes glittering with stars.

"you know this is just like that one romance anime i binged, i always wanted a unspoken thing type relationship," ami sighed and clasped her hands together, thinking of romantic scenes. "hey maybe with yukio out the picture, i can finally have that!" she exclaimed. makoto nodded and gave her a thumbs up.

"anyways, [name], this thing between you and sugawara sounds adorable, please do not fuck it up," ami continued, [name] raised an eyebrow.

"what makes you think she'll fuck it up?" makoto chuckled.

"shes the type of character in the romance anime that panics when someone falls in love with them," ami elaborates, crossing her arms and nodding her head as she spoke, "it sure is one hell of a storyline, can be super spicy and all but in real life it just sounds so tedious, plus it's kinda overdone by now..."

"please stop comparing me and sugawara to your romance animes..." [name] sighed.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

brooooo we're at 11k reads wtf i'm going to cry thank you sm!

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