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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚2. walk u home

❝ami and yukio aren't my friends, i don't have friends and i'll be fine by myself, goodbye sugawara❞

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ami and yukio aren't my friends, i don't have friends and i'll be fine by myself, goodbye sugawara

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

—[name] had one foot out the gate before she heard her name, followed by the sound of footsteps hitting the concrete behind her.

she quickly turned her head to find the cause of the voice and footsteps. familiar grey hair came into her sight, edging closer to her and the school's entrance.

"let me walk you home," he said, once he finally reached the cheer captain, slowing his pace until he stopped with only a small space between them.

she raised an eyebrow at his offer. was he really that desperate to get her team to cheer for team that he thought walking her home would change her mind?

"i'm fine, sugawara, i'm capable of walking by myself," she spoke, turning around to continue her walk.

practice was tiring, especially after having to deal with all the over ambitious first years who only join the team to live out their dreams of being like a cheerleader in those american tv shows, so she wasn't in the mood to talk with anyone that night. all she wanted was to go home and sleep for a hundred years.

"by yourself?" he asked. "what about your friends, yukio and... ami was her name right? don't they walk with you?"

[name] sighed and stopped walking again. why was he so persistent with her? it was such a waste of time, she didn't plan on changing her mind anytime soon, why did he keep bothering her?

"ami and yukio aren't my friends, i don't have friends and i'll be fine by myself, goodbye sugawara," the cheerleader chided, attempting to walk again for the second time.

she doesn't have friends? what is she talking about? sugawara didn't understand what she was talking about. people like [name] never made much sense to him. humans live off emotions and relationships with other but people like her do everything they can to hide away and isolate from everyone including themselves.

"it's way too dark for you to walk all by yourself, what type of terrible person would i be to let you do that?" suagwara said, catching up with [name] again and matching her pace. not matter how confused the cheer captains action made him, he didn't plan on giving in, not now at least.

a quiet groan left the girl's lips, once she realised there was no chance she'd be able to convince him to leave her be. her tactics of walking away and ignoring seemed useless on sugawara, so she kept her mouth shut and just let him walk by her side. the first year cheerleaders were tiring enough to argue with, she barely had enough energy to convince sugawara to leave her alone.

the two were completely silent, sugawara couldn't decide if it was a comfortable one or not but he really hoped, for his sake, it wasn't the latter.

"this isn't going to be a regular thing, is it?" [name] asked, breaking the silence.

"maybe," suagwara shrugged, "it might be helpful to convince you to cheer at my tournament if i could talk to you after school everyday."

the cheerleader hummed at his reply. sugawara couldn't tell if she was irritated by the possibility of him being around her so often or not. she was a difficult person to read.

"if you do, people will talk you know," she spoke. "they get the wrong idea pretty easily, especially when it comes to people like me."

was the a threat or a warning? the setter couldn't tell but either way, some rumours wouldn't stop him.

"i don't really mind," he answered.

"okay then but don't blame me when people start talking shit," the cheerleader sighed.

the conversation ended there and the two returned to silence for a while. until [name] stopped in her tracts.

"this is me," she said.

sugawara followed suit and stopped by the house, taking in the house before the duo. he wasn't one to judge a person's way of life or their living conditions but [name]'s house wasn't what he expected.

the house wasn't very big, the garden looked like in hadn't been touched in months, the bushes and grass were overgrown and the blue front door's paint was peeling and flaking off. his thoughts where interrupted by a loud noise of a squeaking gate.

"thank you for walking me home, sugawara," she said. there was an obvious nerve in her tone, she didn't want sugawara to look too much into the way her home looked,
she was well aware it wasn't great.

the brown eyes of the setter went to look at the girl.

"yeah, no problem."

"i'll see you tomorrow then, i guess," she spoke with a dry tone.

she turned her back to him and walked to her door on the path covered in overgrown moss. before closing the door, she looked back the boy and gave him an awkward smile, which the boy returned.

sugawara felt confident he could convince her. though she could be rude and overly blunt,
[name] [lastname] didn't seem like a bad person, that was incapable of changing her mind.

he was pretty sure he'd have the cheer squad at the volleyball tournament next month.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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