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: *.☽ .* :☆゚32.ex cheer captain

❝do i have to force you to do that too?❞

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do i have to force you to do that too?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"i — uh — i have an announcement to make," [name] called out to her cheer squad as they all stood in front of her. [name] took a deep breath as she watched makoto raise an eyebrow. "i like to give you all notice that i'm quitting the cheer squad!" [name] quickly yelled out much louder than she wanted to and bowing as far as she could go with a bright red face.

the whole cheer club said nothing, all standing there in complete silence. [name] felt her whole body tense up at their lack of reaction. the cheer captain went back to standing straight and looked at the whole squad with nervous eyes. "b-but not before i assign a new cheer captain to take my place! — well vice captain since makoto is obviously going to take over," [name] began to speak again. makoto gave her a reassuring smile as she continued to talk. "and you don't have to do it, you know, it's just my decision and i don't want to seem like i'm making them for you or anything and if you don't like my choice then just take a vote inste—"

"stop rambling, [name]!" makoto yelled out from the small crowd of cheerleaders, stopping [name] from going off on a tangent. [name] puffed her cheeks and kept quiet for a moment.

"ami, i really think you're the best choice and i — um — i'd really like for you to be the new vice captain!" [name] finally said, squeezing her eyes shut. ami's eyes widened as she heard [name] tell her this. the blonde girl squealed in excitement and pushed past the crowd to run up to [name]. ami wrapped her arms around her ex team captain and squeezed her tightly. [name] awkwardly returned the hug, eventually.

"awww, [name]! thank you so so much!" ami squealed as she hugged her captain.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"soooo, how'd it go?" sugawara asked once [name] got to the gates. for once, he had been the one waiting for her.

[name] smiled soft and shrugged. "as well as it could have gone," she said in a quiet voice. sugawara grinned bright and wrapped his arms around her.

"i knew you'd do great," he said, placing his head on top of hers, taking in her scent and holding her tight. [name] sighed as she returned the hug.

"thank you for making me," she mumbled into his shoulder. sugawara gasped loudly.

"you're saying that like i forced you!' he laughed, pulling out of the hug and taking her hand in his. [name] chuckled as sugawara made a little overdramatised show of being heartbroken with the hand that wasn't holding [name]'s on his heart.

"oh stop! it's a good thing," she smiled, squeezing his hand. sugawara ceased his act and shoved her shoulder softly.

"all you have to do now is join the film club," he smiled, pointing a finger in the air. [name] nodded the smile not leaving her face. sugawara eyes narrowed and his lips turned into a mischievous smirk. "do i have to force you to do that too?" sugawara teased, leaning in to whisper that in [name] ear. she squealed and jumped away.

"that tickled," she giggled, placing a hand on her ear. sugawara laughed along, going back to leaning in close and letting his hot breath hit her skin. she let out another squeal of laughter and jumping away once again.

"this is how i'm going to force you to join the film club!" he yelled out, chasing after the ex cheer captain on their route home.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

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