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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚13.confrontation

❝do you have a crush on sugawara?❞

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do you have a crush on sugawara?

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

by the time both cheerleaders had finished their food, makoto had begun dragging [name] off, insisting that she'd do sugawara's job of walking her home that night, much to his disapproval. the disappointment painted on his face did not go unnoticed by his teammates.

makoto finally released her cheer companion from her grip once the two had faded from the sight of the volleyball team. [name] raised an eyebrow at the curly haired teen's sudden urge to leave.

makoto noticed [name]'s expression but said noting and gave her a smile before turning her head back to face forward, her face quickly sifted to an emotionless expression. in that moment and for the first time ever, things were completely silent with makoto around, which, to even the cheer captain herself's surprise, made her uncomfortable. though she didn't attempt to start up conversation instead.

makoto didn't speak at all until they reached the gate of [name]'s home. her eyes were so serious and almost burnt holes right into [name]'s skull.

"do you have a crush on sugawara?" she questioned, getting straight to the point. she knew the cheer captain didn't like things to drag on.

[name] narrowed her eyes, the girl did not understand why makoto had suddenly decided to take an interest in her very bland and boring love life.

"no," she replied bluntly. the awkward atmosphere made [name]'s eyes travel to the gate of her home to distract her from the uneasy feeling boiling in her chest and throat, her fingers were picking at the chipped black paint. "is there a reason you're asking?" she forced out.

"i just... think you do," makoto answered, her expression still remaining somber. "i was just thinking that... it's subtle... but i've never seen you act like that around anyone ever," she clenched her first, "not around me at least."

something about makoto's tone of voice made [name] nervous. she had never heard her sound so serious before, not once finding it difficult to speak either, even after all
these years of knowing her. it was something the cheer captain wasn't used to and that made her uneasy.

"maybe i'm just being stupid and reading into dumb, tiny things but i-" the curly haired cheerleader began but quickly stopped herself

the thick silence swallowed up the cheer captain, the eyes of her dark haired vice captain staring deep into hers. she had no idea what to say, if she should say something or if she should just walk away inside, but her usual tactics didn't seem like the right thing to do in that moment. [name] felt that if she were to walk away now, she'd be admitting to makoto's crush theory.

[name]'s hand gripped tight onto the gate, unknowingly turning her knuckles white. makoto let a sigh, giving up on waiting for some sort of reply or retaliation from the [h/c] haired girl.

"maybe i'm just jealous," she chuckled, going back to her somewhat usual tone and let her facial features relax. [name]'s eyes widened at the words of the dark skinned girl across from her.

"please don't tell me you have a crush on me," she begged her vice captain, somehow managing to grip tighter to the gate with flakey paint.

"nah, it nothing like that," she shook her head, laughing off [name]'s accusation. the cheer captain couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. makoto walked forwards to place her hand on the girl's shoulder. "am i that disgusting?" she joked.

[name]'s shook her head in shame. "no, i just-" she began, before taking a breath, which showed off the obvious nerves she had to her vice captain, "i just don't like when people like me in that way," she mumbled.

"really?" makoto tilted her head, still holding onto [name]'s shoulder. "does that mean you definitely don't like sugawara then?" she asked again.

"to be honest, i have no idea," [name] sighed, "i don't know about suga but i do know i don't want anything to do with relationships," the girl attempted to explain.

makoto let go of her shoulder, letting it drop back to her side. her eyes focused on the girl in front of her, awaiting to hear some sort of rant or confession.

"i don't like getting close to people," she admitted with a shaky breath. "i feel like i always get let down and maybe i do like sugawara in that way but i'm not ready to admit that right now," she continued, gripping onto the end of her skirt.

makoto gave the best reassuring smile she could give. "that's fine, just take your time but don't bottle up her feelings, it might end up being worst than letting yourself be vulnerable." makoto told her.

"thank you," [name] said softly, letting out a sigh, releasing all the tense emotion she was feeling.

after bidding her goodbyes, makoto watched [name] enter her home before walking away. the [h/c] haired girl, placed her back against the door once it was shut, closing her eyes tight. she thought about what her fellow third year cheerleader had said but there was no way in hell she'd admit to having feelings for someone.

even if that person was someone like sugawara.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

thank you so much for 2k! 🥺🥺🥺

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