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❝hey, hey, hey! love birds!❞

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hey, hey, hey! love birds!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

sugawara had made it his mission to spend as much time with his newly made girlfriend as humanly possible. so it was obvious that he'd go out of his way to meet her for lunch, even if that meant he had to deal with the overly enthusiastic and easily excitable duo she was friends with. makoto and ami were great and all but they were way too invested in sugawara and [name]'s relationship but it was fine, they were fun to mess with.

sugawara wandered down the hallway travelling back to his and [name]'s classroom from the cafeteria. he stopped in his tracks when a deep red poster caught his eye. he scanned over the posters text, the title film club written in bold, golden lettering standing out in front of a background resembling a classic, red theatre curtain and some small clip art images of various things relating to film production. however made it wasn't particularly good at graphic design but sugawara still scanned the poster anyways. from what he had just read, it seemed that the club wasn't doing so well lately and was desperate for new members.

the thought of [name] popped into his mind as he read along the golden text. "it's kinda lame, i know but i just really like movies, cinematography and all that shit," he remembered her saying the first time he went to her house.

sugawara reread the poster a few more times, double checking it was exactly what he thought it was. he looked around the hallways, checking both ends to make sure it still as empty as it was before he got distracted by the poster. with a quick swipe of his hand, sugawara snatched the poster from its place the wall and stuffed it in his pocket.

he had an accomplished look on his face as he entered the classroom, his hand in his pocket, tracing the edges of the crumpled paper inside. [name] smiled once she noticed he entered, clearly not noticing the rather complacent look on his face.

she gave him a short greeting as she let his lips quickly and softly grazed hers. sugawara sat right beside [name] as close as possible without it being too over the top for school, letting their knees touch. the quiet sound of a snicker caught both their attention. ripping their eyes away from each other, the couple looked at the curly haired girl across from them, her face displaying a smug looking grin and suppressing a laugh.

"what?" [name] frowned. makoto just smiled and gave her a shrug and ami giggled along with makoto.

"she just thinks it's funny seeing you all loved up," ami answered for makoto. "and cute!" she added, scared that it sounded too much like a insult. [name] puffed her cheeks, she was well aware of all the new material makoto had gained for teasing now that [name] had finally started dating. [name] was clueless at these sort of things and makoto knew that all to well. this situation was prefect for her.

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