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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚12.about her

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i don't know what freaky spell that sugawara of yours has put on my [name] but it's changed her like crazy

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

it didn't take took long until the volleyball team finished up and made their way to the gates of karasuno.

the two cheerleaders were leaning on the gates waiting for the team in silence. makoto was the first to spot the boys, she nudged [name]'s side to grab her attention. the cheer captain awoke from her daydream and pushed off the gate she was leaning on.

"i can't thank you enough for agreeing to come to the volleyball tournament," daichi said once he reached the duo. makoto let out a chuckle and reached over to pat [name] on the back.

"you shouldn't be thanking us, you should be thanking the crazy bastard that actually managed to convince our lovely [name] here," she grinned, her eyes trailed over to sugawara, who let out an awkward laugh. [name] just sighed.

"should we go then?" she asked, turning to face the gates. sugawara nodded and walked over to stand by her side.

makoto did most of the talking as they walked to the convenience store, taking the time to talk about herself, cheerleading and then asking the occasional questions about volleyball. [name] let the attention stay on her vice captain, only talking when sugawara asked her some things related to what makoto was talking about every now and then.

once they reached the convenience store, [name] was trying her best to convince sugawara to let her pay for her and makoto's food but the grey haired setter wasn't planning on letting her anytime soon.

"you paid for mine last time and i have money on me, it's not your duty to buy me things, suga," she explained to him.

"this is a thank you for a agreeing to come to our tournament, now let me pay for them," sugawara agrued back but [name] refused to listen and continued pulled out a pale purple purse from the front of her bag. makoto walked over to stand between the two, she sighed and shook her head like a disappointed parent.

"stop arguing like an old married couple and just go halfsies!" she spoke. sugawara and [name] made eye contact with each other before both letting their eyes travel back to makoto. sugawara had a small blush on his cheeks due to the mention of him and [name] acting like a couple but both cheerleaders chose to ignore the pink painted on his face.

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