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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚10.decision

❝maybe you do have a crush on sugawara with the way you always act so strange when we talk about him❞

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maybe you do have a crush on sugawara with the way you always act so strange when we talk about him

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

the rest of the cheerleaders always seemed to dump the clean up duty on their upperclassmen, which also happened to be their captains.

the only member of the squad, that wasn't a third year, who stayed behind was ami but that was mainly because she didn't like waiting outside by herself for her boyfriend to finish soccer practice. this killed the time.

as makoto and [name] were placing the brooms back inside the cupboard, makoto won't keep her month shut about her captain's new friendship with sugawara but [name] wouldn't really call it a friendship. yet, at least.

"i like his company, there's not really anything else to it," [name] sighed, explaining herself for what felt like the twelfth time.

"whatever, i think there's something else going on there, my senses are tingling~" makoto teased, nudging the [h/c] haired girl's side with her elbow as she passed her the broom. [name] replied with an eye roll and snatched the broom from her vice captain's hands.

"doesn't that mean you'll say yes to cheering at his volleyball tournament?" ami poked her head from behind the door, there was stars in her eyes and excitement in her voice.

"well i guess so..." [name] trailed off, she did feel a little panicked at the thought sugawara would stop talking her once he got what he wanted. makoto notices the worry in her captain's eyes.

"are you doing okay there , [name]?" she asked, placing a hand on the [h/c] hair girl's shoulder. [name] jumps at the sudden contact and turns her head to meet the dark eyes of makoto.

"oh yeah i'm fine, i spaced out for a bit," [name] says, shaking it off. ami lets out a laugh.

"maybe you do have a crush on sugawara with the way you always act so strange when we talk about him," ami chuckles as the two captains exit the the cupboard. [name]'s nose scrunches at ami's comment.

"can we please drop it now," she frowns, closing the cupboard door behind her. makoto and ami laugh at their captain as they take their leave out the gym. both makoto and ami just found it not only strange but refreshing for [name] to have such obvious 'feelings' for someone, instead of acting cold and aloof all the time. the two did silently agree to drop the subject though before their beloved captain got too mad.

"well if we're going to the volleyball tournament, we have to tell them, you know," makoto says as the head to the cheer clubroom. ami enthusiastically nods her head at makoto's words, it was very obvious to anyone that she was excited to cheer again.

"yup, i'll let sugawara know, then you and me can talk to his captain tomorrow," [name] explains to makoto, pulling the door handle to the clubroom.

"okie dokie, sound good miss [lastname]~" makoto answers. following her captain into the deserted room. "man those underclassmen leave so fast," she states, taking a look around the empty clubroom.

"must want to get home quick, kinda undedicated to cheer if you ask me," ami says, walking over to her bag. makoto laughs at the second year.

"oh please!" she laughs, "you're only here because you don't want to wait outside the soccer teams practice." ami's face flushes red at those words. she whips her head around to face makoto and puffs her cheeks.

"that's not entirely true!" she stutters, which just makes makoto laugh more. ami grumbles something inaudible and turned back to her bag.

[name] sighs and picks up her things. she walks to the door but not before turning to the duo behind her. "i'm leaving," she states,
makoto and ami bid their goodbyes as she shuts the door behind her.

once [name] reaches the gates her [e/c] eyes meet sugawara's brown ones. he smiles at the sight of the cheer captain making her way towards him.

"i've made my decision," she says once the duo begin walking home. sugawara tilts his head not completely understanding what [name] is talking about. "about the volleyball tournament," she clarifies. sugawara lets out an o sound.

"what's your decision then?" he asks her. sugawara was praying and begging in his head that she'll agree to come.

"we going, so me and makoto would like to tell your captain ourselves, that's okay right?" she asks. sugawara almost throws his hands in the air at her agreement but instead just grins at the cheer captain.

"thank you so much, [name]" he beamed, his smile never fading or leaving his lips. "i'll let daichi know to talk to you tomorrow." a small smile tugged at [name]'s lips at sugawara's enthusiasm and excitement.

sugawara couldn't believe that his percistent attitude actually worked.

while [name] just couldn't believe who infectious his smile was.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

what if i make ami and makoto end up together???? like a little background wlw romance. haha just kidding... unless??😋😋

on another note this is probably the last time there will be a double weekly updates because school just started back up and they're already giving more than i can take. ill try my best to get one update per week every friday or saturday or something, i'm not too sure yet but hope you understand! <3

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