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☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚23.bad things always happen when it rains

bad things always happen when it rains

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everybody loves me, suga

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

[name] walked along the pavement, tugging at a strand of [h/c] hair that was behind her ear to calm her nerves. this was a relatively new feeling for the cheer captain, it's not like she went out with friends often so it was natural to nervous, right? nothing else to it.

her eyes were staring at the ground, watching her feet take each step. one step closer to the small movie theatre she had told sugawara to meet her at.

[name] spotted him across the street standing right by where she had told him. sugawara hadn't seen her yet, so [name] stood still for a while and watched him shift his weight from heals to his toes every so often. [name] took one last look at her self in the reflection of a nearby shop window. she looked fine, not too fancy, not too casual either in her opinion. taking a deep breath, she went to cross the road.

"[name]," sugawara smiled, once he had finally spotted the [h/c] haired girl crossing the street. [name] mumbled a small hi and walked to his side. "you look— you look nice," he stammered and let his eyes travel [name]'s figure subtly. [name] smiled softly and thanked him.

but nice was an understatement, sugawara thought she was beautiful, just like he always thought she was. the way her hair sat, the way her lips curved into a tiny smile, the way the clothes sat just right in her curves. everything about her was just prefect and maybe if he had the guts, he would tell her what he really thought but it seemed that sugawara was a bit of a coward when it came to his crushes.

"are you ready to go in?" [name] asked, pointing a finger over her shoulder to the door of the movie theatre. sugawara blinked a few times, he was way to distracted by his thoughts to have been listening to what she was saying. his eyes travelled to where her finger was pointing.

"oh! yeah— o-of course," he faltered, finally understanding what [name] was asking. the cheer captain nodded and went to enter. sugawara nervously went to walk by her side. he awkwardly bumped her shoulder as he scrambled to her side but [name] didn't seem to mind all that much, she just giggled.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

unexpectedly, it began to rain once [name] and sugawara exited the theatre so the two had decided to stay under the shelter of a nearby closed shop with an overhang. "so what did you think?" [name] asked, breaking the relatively comfortable silence between the two. she grinned over to sugawara, looking rather excited to hear his response.

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