Part 2

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*first day of school*


I rolled over and checked the time. 6:20 am. Ugh. I should probably get ready. Sadly, I have to go to school. One of my least favorite places in the world. I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. Well, when did I not. I didn't understand how I could look this terrible. The ends of my hair brushed my ears, curling at the ends. I swooped the front of my mane back and ran my hand through it. It's fine. Just like everything. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then picked out an outfit. Simple black skinny jeans and a hoodie.

Quickly, grabbing my keys from the table, I headed to my car. Mom already left. She leaves for work very early, so I never see her in the mornings. I wasn't going to be late this time. I really wouldn't mind being late on a normal day, but with today being the first day back I should be there on time. Like everywhere In my town, school was close. So within 15 minutes I was pulling into the parking lot.

I pulled into a spot and grabbed my bag. I put on a happy face. Something to cover it up. I don't want people to know about my depression. It's embarrassing it really is. When you have that shadow lurking over you it hurts and you never want people to know that. It's why I have only told a few people. I walked up to where Niall and Liam were standing.

"Hey!" Liam said.


"Hey Harry." Niall yawned.

"You seem tired."

"Got only a few hours of sleep."


"I couldn't fall asleep."

"I went right to sleep." Liam muttered.

"Not all of us can be as lucky as you Li." Niall
snapped back. Liam smacked his shoulder.

"Okay children." I rolled my eyes.

"Harry don't you dare call us children. We're big kids." Liam said. Niall laughed. I gave a small chuckle.

Soon, the bell rang and I was off to my first class. It was physics. I had this class with some of the seniors. I had never really talked to them. It makes since though. I don't talk to many people. I continued waking down the hall and finally found the room. There were a few people sitting down. I took a seat next to the empty chairs. Maybe I would get lucky and not have someone to sit next to. A group of boys walked in. One of them being Louis Tomlinson. We used to be friends. I really don't know what happened. Maybe it was my family issues. Maybe it was my depression that was starting. I'm not sure, but he just kind of drifted away. We never really talked after that. Maybe the occasional, 'hello' in the hallway, but that was all. Louis took a seat in front me. Before sitting down he nodded his head. Like a subtle 'hello'. I did the same back. It always felt awkward seeing him. Probably because of our past friendship and because he is popular now. I am not. I try to stay away from the bigger crowds. I don't like being with a ton of people.

The teacher sat down.
"Hello class. I'm excited for this year. I hope you are as well. We are going to start off with something that may seem juvenile, but I would like to get to know you. So let's start with your name and maybe what you are looking forward to this year or a goal of yours. I'll start. My name is miss Andrews and I hope that I can make school a better learning experience for all of you. Next let's see." She looked around the classroom and met eyes with me.

"Go ahead honey." She said. I pointed to myself, hoping she meant someone else. She nodded. Shit.

"Oh umm. Okay. Hello." Everyone turned around in their chairs. "My name is Harry Styles. I hope that I can maintain my good grades this year." I said. Miss Andrews smiled at me. "Okay we will just go up from your row. Okay?"

"Hi! My name is Louis Tomlinson. My goal is to enjoy school more and make it ummm well more enjoyable." He laughed. Well it was more of a giggle. He used to do that when we were kids. That's one thing I remember about him.

"Nice to meet you." Miss Andrews said.

We finally got through everyone in the class. Thank goodness. It was taking forever. We finished right on time too. The bell rang just after the last person finished. I rushed out of class and to my next. I was stopped by Niall.

"H, you will never guess who is in my class."

"Who?" I whispered.


"Congrats Ni!"

"Shhh. She's over there. Okay see ya."

"Bye." He walked away.

Niall seemed excited about this girl. Which was great. He always wanted someone to be with. More than a friend. When we were just little kids he always talked about how when he was older he wanted to meet the prettiest girl and marry her. I laughed at him. I never understood why people wanted it. It normally ends in fighting. Yes, I did believe there was someone out there for me. No, I didn't think I would find them. I am scared that I will find the wrong person. I really do want to love someone. I just want it to be the right person. I don't want my time to be wasted.

I made my way to the next class. English. I had this with Liam. I sat in the back row. Next to Liam who was already there.
"Hey H!"


"Did you hear about Niall?"

"And Lilly?"


"Yeah I did."

"He's so excited."

"I know." I laughed.

The teacher didn't introduce herself which I found rude. Her name was already on the board, so I guess that was it. She just handed out a student survey. I hated these. First question, "How do you feel about working with a group?" I answered quickly. I don't like working in a group. I flipped my paper to see how many questions there were. 50! Oh my god. I let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked.

"Did you see how many questions there were?"


"Flip your paper over." He flipped it over.

"Oh my-"

"Boys can you stop talking. Thank you." Mrs Wilson snarked. I tilted my head down. Yep, this was going to be the worst class of all.

Hello loves! Okay so this was also a boring chapter. I promise next chapter will have some more interesting things going on. I haven't really decided on a length for his story. I'm think between 20-30 parts probably. I'm honestly not sure. I also am kind of writing this without a vision. I don't have a plot chart or plot idea for it. So let me know if you have any ideas and I might be able to use them. Okay so if you could please vote and comment that would be absolutely amazing! Thanks again!

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