Part 9

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I sat down my phone with a wide grin. I like him. I like him a lot. After checking my phone one last time I turned my lamp off and rolled over.

*the next morning*

I rolled over my hit the 'stop' on my alarm. It was Friday. Thank god. I had plans for today. Big plans. Well as big a date can be. I still don't know all of the details about it yet. I don't know where we are going to go, or what we are going to do. I just want to go on a date with him.

I didn't want to look like a total slob today since I was asking Harry Styles out. Wow, I was really doing it. My feelings from when we were younger never went away did they? Nope, clearly not since I'm asking him out.

I threw on a nice pair of black skinny jeans. Then, I went through a few shirts to find one that didn't look like I was going to go to bed in it. Finally I came a across an older band t-shirt. It was nice. No holes, no stains, seems good. Plus I think I looked really good in it.

"Honey don't be late to school!" My mom shouted.

"I won't I'm coming downstairs right now!"


I shoved my socks on my feet and jogged down the steps. My mom made a nice breakfasts, it was sad that I wouldn't have time to eat it. I sipped on my black vans.

"Thanks mom, love you!" I said as I took a price of toast off of the plate on the kitchen counter.

"Just toast?"


"Okay honey! Love you."

I ran out to my car and sat the toast on my center console. No Napkin. Whoops. I started to drive to the school. I was still planning our out date. Maybe the coffee shop? No that's really stupid. We went there as friends.

I think I know what I'm going to do. It will be perfect. Absolutely perfect.

As I pulled into the school I saw Zayn getting out of his car. I quickly pulled into my spot, which as a senior I had a designated spot, which conveniently was next to his.

"Louis! Hey what's up?"
"Zayn I need to talk to you about something."
"Of course, anything."
"So I have a crush on someone and-."
"Hold on let me finish."
"Okay jeez."
"And I'm thinking about asking them out, but-" I paused, "it's just going to be different."
"What do you mean?"

"I'm asking Harry out." I said nervously. He hugged me.
"Good for you Lou. Harry seems nice. But if he breaks your heart I will break him."
"Okay, I don't think I'm going to tell him that."
"Whatever. When are you asking him out?" He crossed his feet.
"I don't know probably at the end of the day."
"Good luck Lou. I know he'll say yes."
"I hope."


As I walked into the school I saw Niall and Liam who were already there.
"Guys!" I yelled as I ran up to them.
"Hey Harry!" Liam said.
"Hey!" Niall said shortly after Liam.
"Hi. Uh has the bell rang yet?"
"Good." I looked over and saw Louis talking to Zayn. Zayn gave him a hug. Oh no, I hope everything's okay.

"You okay H?" Niall asked. I turned my attention back to them.
"Yeah. I'm okay."
"Okay. Just making sure."

The bell rang and I said my goodbyes to the boys and walked over to Louis. I wanted to make sure everything was okay plus we have first period together.

"Louis!" I called. Zayn said something to him and walked to class. I'm pretty sure he had first period with us too. Wonder why he wouldn't walk with us. Not that I'm complaining, I never have really talked to him.

"Hey Harry."
"Hi. Uh is everything okay. I saw Zayn and you talking and he uh hugged you, so I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
His face tuned red. Not a bright red, just subtle. "I'm good Harry. Thank you for caring." He smile and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Come on we should probably start walking."

"So uh Lou sorry."
"For what?"
"Looking at you. I mean it's stupid that I was just staring at you while you had your own conversation."
"Harry I don't mind if you are looking at me." He said. I could feel my face burn. Oh god.
"Okay, then I'll just keep looking at you."
"I'm not going to stop you." He said and smiled. I smiled back. My heart was probably beating a million miles a second.

I shouldn't be this nervous talking to him. For goodness sakes I fell asleep in his bed. We walked into class right as the last bell rang.

We sat down in the seats which we picked on the first day. He was right in front of me. I pulled out my notebook and began to write what was on the board.

Just simple notes nothing new. I couldn't help but drift into my own thoughts instead of writing though. I kept thinking about Louis.

He's absolutely amazing. I have said this so many times, but it's so true. Being with him brings back so many memories from when we were just kids.

I continued writing down the notes. I really didn't want to be here today. I don't think anyone did. I could have stayed home. The only good thing is seeing my mates and Louis. Well I guess Louis is one of my friends, but I don't know if I want to call him that because I want him to be more.

"Okay class. We are going to watch a short video now. So please if you are not done with the notes just take a pause and watch this. Thanks!" Our teacher said.

I rested my head on the cold desk and looked toward the board where the video was being projected to. I let my eyes close. Just for a little bit. I'll open them after I hear the video stop.

"Harry." Someone whispered.
"Huh?" I said as I jerked my head up. It was Louis.
"Harold you slept all of class. You're lucky you didn't get caught." He helped me gather my stuff up. "Come on. Let's go." He said as he started to walk towards the door. I followed.

Hello again. How are you? I'm doing good, just busy. Have been and will be for a few weeks, so posting on my insta and on wattpad are going to be random. (Not like they have had a certain time anyway lol) but thank you so much for reading I love seeing people enjoying it! As always please vote! Thanks.

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