Part 21

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*Not real, just for story*


The ride to the hospital seemed to take ages. It felt like we were moving so slowly. I know Harry was so anxious and so we I. I just wanted to hold him and tell him everything was going to be alright. I just can't promise anything.

I stroked his hair and stared out the window. I held back my tears for him. He turned and looked towards me.

"Yes Haz?"
"What am I going to do?" He said sniffing.
"Pray for the best, that's all you can do."
"I know."

We pulled into the hospital, the officer told us that he would wait out here. I grabbed Harry's hands once we got out. He gripped my hand so tight. As we walked towards the doors his steps became slower.

"You okay?"
"Mhmm. Let's go." He said wiping his eyes with his other hand. We walked in and went straight to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" The women at the front desk asked
"We're here to see Gemma Styles."
"Oh, okay. Room four seventy three."
"Thank you." I said.

A long silent walk to Gemma room was what happened. Finally we got to the room. Doctors and nurses surround her body. Tubes and cords were all over her. Harry just looked at her for minutes. He pushed himself into my arms.

"Louis why? Why did this have to happen. She was just coming home? Louis." He sobbed.
"I-I don't know baby." I said quietly into his ear. I rubbed circles onto his back. He slowly released from my grip and walked over to her. He sat on the chair next to her bed.


"Hey Gem." I grabbed her hand. "I know it's me. Your favorite brother." I laughed. "Gem listen you are strong, you can get through this. Please, please, please, I love you so much. I know you can. You'll get through it. I know you will." I wiped away my tears.

"I have Louis now." I said to her, I looked over to Louis who arms wrapped around himself as he let a few tears out.

"He's amazing Gem, I hope, I mean y-you will re-meet him. I've told him so much about you. You know I think You'd get along really well. He treats me like you said a real, good person would. I told him I love him. I know big deal. I never thought I'd ever say it." I sniffled. "But he's the only person that would be worth it. He's a real bad cook though." I giggled at the thought him trying to cook, "If there was a way to burn cereal he would find that way." I heard him laugh from the other side of the room.

"Please Gem, get better. I need you." I said before kissing her hand walking over to Louis.
"Lou lets go uh can we jus walk around the hospital for a little bit?"
"Of course."

"Louis say something please I need you to distract me."
"Okay love, umm how about you tell me about how bad I am at cooking."
"Louis I don't think you need me to tell you." I laughed.
"Fine." He giggled.
"Ooh Okay we'll talk about that. Um how are your nails."
"Good. I love them Haz." He held his hand out in front of me so that I could see the nails.
"I did a good job."
"Yes you did babe."

We walked down to the sitting area. Lots of people were there. Everyone seemed to be in the same situation. A women who was sitting on the end of the row had here hand covering here face, next to her sat a child who was trying to comfort her. A man was leaned against the wall. Everyone looks stressed and upset. My heart ached for all of them. Me and Louis sat down.

"I'm scared."
"I know Hazza me too." He rested his hand on my knee.

My phone began to ring. It was my mom. I answered.
"Hi mom."
"Hi baby." She choked. "Honey, I'm going to try to be home later tonight okay. I don't want you to be alone right now. Please call Louis Okay."
"Mom he's with me at the hospital."
"Good. Harry, h-how is she?"
"Mom, she-she doesn't look good."
"Oh." She sobbed.
"Okay honey I'm going to get home Okay?"
"Mom please, please be safe."
"I will. I love you."
"I love you too." I hung up.

I rested my head on Louis shoulder.
"Let's go back lou."
"Okay." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the room.
"Talk to me again." I said holding back my tears.
"I love you."
"I love you too. Please start a conversation baby."
"Okay, you know I'm so glad that our friends became friends."
"Me too. I'm really glad."
"Should we tell them about this?"
"Not yet. We will though."
"Louis, do you think she's gonna be o-Okay?"
"Baby I don't know. I hope so though. Okay?"
"Okay." I gripped onto his hand tighter.

Walking the halls of a hospital was one of the hardest things in my life. Knowing that I could be one of the people in the sitting room sobbing because of something, hurt the most. Looking into the rooms seeing children no older than five was like being punched in the gut. They were so young. Too young.

I then realized that we were walking through the cancer unit. People were all right beside to whoever was in that bed. Kids, adults, elders. These things can happen to anyone.

"Louis, the poor kids."
"I know. It's so hard walking through these halls."
"It really is."
He rubbed his thumb against my hand.
"It's even harder knowing we're walking to someone."
"I know baby."
"Louis I-I can't do this." I said stopping mid tracks.
"Hazza I know."
"No, it's not that I don't not want to see her. I just don't want this to be how I see her for the last time."
"Haz listen to me. We can't think like this. We have to pray that she recovers. This will not be her last time."
"She's got this. She's strong. She'll get though this."
"Yeah. Yeah she will."

We made it closer to the room. My hands started to shake.
"Haz, I'm right here."
"I know."

I opened The door and walked in. I walked up next to her and sat down.
"Come on Gem you can do this. You're strong." Louis touched my shoulder.
"Gem please. I love you so much." I cried.


Sounds of monitors starting going off. Beeps and Alarms. Doctors began rushing in. Harry looked around the room inshock. I tried to grab his shoulder, but I was being ushered out of the room. Harry was too, but he wouldn't leave. Two nurses had to walk him out. We stood by the glass window to her room.

Harry had both hands on the glass. They were giving her CPR. I just stood in shock. Harry began sobbing. "GEMMA NO!!" He wailed. He pounded on the wall. "YOU CANT LEAVE ME. GEM PLEASE DONT GO!!"

"THIS IS NOT REAL!!! I CANT DO THIS!" He screamed. Doctors surrounded her at this point.

"Clear." They said.
"And shock." A doctor said as he put a machine on her chest.
"Once more." He said. They all backed up and let it happen. This went on once more and then they all froze.

They walked away from her and took their gloves off. "Time of death 6:45." Harry fell to the ground and began to shake. Screaming and crying. I ran over I held him in my arms.

I looked back up into to room where she lay, lifeless. "LOUIS!!!" He pulled on my shirt.
I couldn't say anything. I rubbed his sides.

I took one last look at her. She laid lifeless on the bed. I saw the straight line coming from her monitor, but it started beeping again. Doctors rushed back over to her.

"Look." I said pointing into the room.

Ooooh sorry I left you on a cliffhanger. Very suspenseful I know. What did you think of the chapter though? What do you think will happen in the next one? Thanks for reading loves!

Harry was in London today with a fan! He looked great. I think the prince hair might be coming back!! He also had a his blue Bandana that he was using as a mask AND many larries are saying the striped shirt that he was wearing is louis'!!! Let's hope so!!!

Anyways please vote!!!

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