Part 27

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Falling. I was falling. Falling down a cliff near my home. I didn't know it would end like this, me falling. Louis stood at the top staring at me in shock. I tried to say I'm sorry, but nothing would come out. He then fell to his knees and started to wail. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. I was supposed to just come and think, not come and fall.

I replayed it back in my head.

I stood at the top of the cliff watching the water down below me. I was thinking about Gemma and how dramatically her life was going to change if she did wake up. Louis was standing behind me trying to tell me to 'step back' or 'come with me' because he knew I was too close to the edge, but when I tried to 'step back' my foot slipped and I fell.


Everything thing was starting to hit. I was going to die. That's what was going to happen.  I was going to leave Louis, Gemma, and my mom. I was never going to see them again. My body might never be found.

I now regret that night when Louis and Zayn went looking for me. I should have never left.

I regret cutting myself and falling back down that deep dark hole with the shadow on my shoulder.

I regret it all.

Then the pain of falling began to ease and I hit water. I started to panic, but the panic drifted away because I now can see my own body drifting to the bottom of the water never to be seen again. I can now see the love of my life standing at the top of the cliff sobbing and pounding the ground asking god why? He looks up into the sky and then looks back down at the water. He stands up. I try and run to him, but before I could he was falling too.


I heard whimpers coming from beside of me. I instantly woke up. Harry was shaking while looking at the ceiling.

"Hazza." He didn't respond. I grabbed him and laid him on my lap.
"Shhh baby, it's going to be okay. Whatever it is you're okay." I started to rub his back.

"Y-you're o-Okay?" He cried.
"Yes love I'm okay."
"Okay. A-am I Okay?" He choked and gripped onto my chest.
"Mhmm. You're here, I'm holding you you're okay." I was starting to become visibly worried. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Y-you're not okay you l-look scared."
"Shhh, I'm fine." I tried to hold back. He nodded his head and began to cry into my neck.

"You-you went after me?"
"You jumped too."
"Honey you're not making any sense."
"No, why would you- You could have just stayed."
"Harry, what do you mean."

"I had a dream. I fell into water. You jumped in after me. We died. You died for me. Why wouldn't you stay? Y-you-" he sobbed.
"Shhh." I rocked him in my arms trying to understand what he was saying.

"I don't want to fall." He said, still burying his face into my neck.
"I won't let you fall, I promise I won't ever let you fall."

"Do you want to try and go back to sleep?"
He shook his head no.
"Do you want me to hold you for a little longer?"
He nodded, so I continued to rub his back and rock him back and forth. I could feel his eyelashes against my neck while his eyes were opening and closing.

I could feel his chest rising and falling. His breathing started to become more patterned meaning he was asleep. I didn't want to let him go. So I kept my arms cuddled around him while laying down. Just Incase he has another nightmare. I leaned my head into his neck and closed my eyes.

*that morning*

I woke up to Harry kissing my cheek.
"Hi babes." He said.
"You sound excited."
"She's awake."

"Really?!" I sat up and pulled Harry down onto my lap. "Hazza that's great! Are we going to go see her?"
"Yeah, if you want."
"Of course. I do think I need to call my mom, I haven't talked to her in a few."
"Of course. You do that and while I get ready."

Did he not remember last night or does he not want to remember? I mean don't get me wrong I'm so excited that she's awake, but I thought he'd mention last night. Maybe not though, it's Harry.

I picked up my phone and pressed my moms contact. She answered right away.

"Hello honey are you coming home?"
"Mom you know how I texted you about Gemma?"
"Oh yes honey, I know."
"She's awake."
"That's amazing!"
"I'm going to go see her with Harry and if he's feeling good and okay I'm going to come home for a while."
"Okay honey. Whatever you need to do. As long as your are being safe and responsible."
"I am mom."
"I love you baby."
"I love you too."

I hung up and sat the phone down again and threw on some clothes. I then quickly walked into the bathroom. Harry was brushing his teeth.

"Hey babes." He said.
"Hi Haz. Do you mind if I sneak in here to brush mine?"
"Nope, go ahead."

I started to brush my teeth, but Harry stopped and stood in the mirror. "What's wrong Haz?"

"Last night."
"Oh baby..."
"My dream?"
"Come here." I pulled him into a hug. "It's okay baby everyone has bad dreams."
"I know, but this one was bad."
"Did you just remember?"
"It's going to be okay."
"Yeah, Yeah I'll just- let's go."
"Okay, lets go see her."


When we got the hospital Harry slowly walked to Gemma's room. Once she saw him she started to cry, which immediately made Harry cry.

He walked over to her and sat down.
"Gemma I love you." He sobbed.
"I love you too H."

He laid on the bed next to her and cried on her side. She closed her eyes and laid a hand on top of his back. Anne walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hi Louis."
"Hi." I said still looking towards Harry.
"Honey I know this has been hard on you too," I tuned to look at her, "you know, having to deal with Harry during this."
"It's no problem at all. I love him, I'll always be there for him."

"Thank you darling." She stated tearing up, "Honey you mean so much to him. He's always talking about you when you're not with him. He's always saying 'Louis would like this' or 'Louis would like that," she laughed, "So I just wanted to say thank you, for helping him through everything."

I nodded my head and hugged her.

"Now darling, I'll bring Harry home. How about you go back to your place and get some sleep. I'm sure your mom missed you."
"Thanks Anne."
"Of course."

I walked over to Harry and kissed him on the head. "I'll see you later baby. Call me if you need anything."
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I smiled.

I waved one final time before walking out of the room and made my way out of the hospital to my car.

I laud my arms and head on my steering wheel. "Just make it home."

Hello! I'm so sorry this part is kinda rushed and short. I have a good idea for the next chapter. Also, Yes I know I'm slacking again on everything. I'll try and be better I promise.

ZAYNS NEW MUSIC VIDEO THOUGH!! Better!! Omg its soo good!

So, how are you feeling about the story so far. I'm thinking maybe 5-10 more chapters? I really want to continue it, but I also have so many new ideas for new ones.

Anyways let me know what you think and as always vote and share it with a friend.


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