Part 15

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I opened my eyes and yawned. God what time was it. I went to lean over and check my phone. My my arm hit something else. Louis. Oh wait, why? Shit! I forgot Louis came over.

"Lou?" I said quietly.

"Hmm?" He said wiping his eyes.

"What time is it?"

"I'm not sure, heres your phone." He handed me my phone off my my night stand. I turned the brightness down. It was 3:00. Oh my god, we slept for like 4 hours.

"Lou it's like 3."

"Oh my, uh what time did we fall asleep."

"I don't know maybe noon."

"I'm sorry Haz, if I would have known you wanted to wake up I would have-"

"It's okay. I don't know why I slept that long though."

"You had coffee."

"Coffee doesn't effect me." I said knowingly.

"Sweet coffee."

"Oh crap. How much?"

"Like 5 cups." He pointed to the side of my bed. That's way to much coffee.

"That explains everything. I must have been a pain. If I have sweet coffee it always makes me crazy."

"You were a bit crazy."

"Yeah I'm sorry."

"No reason to be sorry." He kissed my forehead and got up.

"What are you doing?"


"Ahh I have to, too!" I said.

"Well I'm going first."

"But I drank five cups of coffee."

"Your fault not mine and you have a bathroom downstairs."

"I don't want to move though." I said as I poured my face.

"Fine, you can take the upstairs bathroom."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he rolled his eyes.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had dark black circles under my eyes. I mentally slapped myself for drinking that much coffee. Why would I do that? I splashed some cold water onto my face and then did my business and got out.

I walked downstairs to sit on the couch where Louis already was.

"My head hurts." I said.

"Are you having a coffee hangover?"

"That's not a real thing."

"Could be." He shrugged. I laughed and sat down next to him. I leaned my head into his shoulder.

"Mmmm you smell good." I said.

"Thank you." He laughed.

We sat and watched tv for a while. I soon felt a little bit of nervousness fall over me. After going on a few dates with Louis I realized that I am actually going on dates. I'm doing it. I don't know how I feel about it. Well I know how I feel about Louis. He's amazing, but I'm taking the dates as if Louis will be the one because that's what I've always said. I mean that's the dream right? Marry the person you date. I know, I know it's very early to think about that, but it's how I think.

"You okay Haz? Whatcha thinking about?"

"Oh nothing." I smiled.

"Can't be nothing."

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