Part 12

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I opened my eyes and Louis was still in my arms. He looked so beautiful. His hair was brushed over his left eye and he had one hand on top of my arm and the other by his cheek. I could honestly stay here all day and admire how handsome he was.

I wasn't quite sure what time it was, but judging by the sun I would say it was probably around 10. What a way to wake up. Next to your, hmm uh Louis, and in the the sun. I ran my hand through Louis hair. He took a deep breathe in and opened his eyes.

"Good morning Harry." He said smiling and yawning. His morning voice was groggy and deep.

"Good morning Louis." I smiled at him.

"I hope I didn't keep you laying here for too long." He rolled over to my face.

"No, of course not. I could look at your gorgeous face all day." He blushed and stroked my cheek.

"What do you want to do today?" He said.

"I don't know?"

"Want to hang out with friends?"

"Anything you want Lou. Which friends?"

"Zayn and your friends, Liam and Niall. I don't think we have ever all hung out. So it might be nice to."

"Sure that sounds fun. Wanna grab some coffee first?"

"You can get your coffee Haz, I'll get my tea."

We each got up and started to load everything into Louis car. I grabbed the blankets and sheet and threw them into the back seat. Louis carefully sat the projector into the trunk. Once everything was cleaned up we headed to the coffee shop. Yes, we were still in our comfy clothes. It's fine.

"Louis what should I tell my mom?"

"You don't have to tell her right away Haz."

"I know, but I just feel like I should have something planned. What did you tell your family?"

"Well when I went to tell my mom, she already kind of knew, so I didn't have to do much explaining. But Haz I can help you tell her."

"Okay thanks."

We pulled in and there were only a few cars there.

"Can we eat in?"

"Yeah." I said. "It doesn't matter to me."

We each got out. Louis grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"We are making up for the time we missed remember?" He smiled. I laughed.

"How could I forget." I squeezed his hand and opened the door with my other.

"Can you order?" I asked.

"Sure what would you like?"

"Black coffee and a bagel please."

"Okay. Where are you going?"

"To pee."

"Oh my lord Harry okay." He giggled.


"How can I help you?" The women at the counter said.

"Hello, can I get a small black coffee, a tea, and two bagels please?"

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