Part 19

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"I had so much fun," I said unlocking the door to my house.
"Me too babes."
I grabbed his hand.
"Come on let's go watch friends."
"But I thought you finished it?"
"I did, but you love it so we can watch it. Or we could watch a movie."

"Thanks love, but I have a better Idea?"
"W-What is it?"
"Don't get nervous. I was just going to say we could bake something."
"Oh uh yeah. That sounds good. What are we going to bake?"
"What do you have Haz?"
"I think we have brownie mix."
"Ooh that sounds really good."
"Okay let's make that."

"Now, Hazza, as you know, I am not very good at the following things, cooking, baking, anything related to mixing food ingredients and making them edible, and drawing. So I will require you to do most of it. I will in fact help you though."

"Lou Honey, it's a mix, you won't be able to mess it up."
"You never know." He said raising his eyebrows and sticking out his tongue. I patted his head and walked over to the cupboards where the mixes were. I shifted through a few cake mixes and some instant mashed potatoes. Finally I found the brownies. Oh and these were the good kind too.

"Oh Lou we got lucky." I said walking over to him and holding the box to his face.
"Double fudge." He said smiling.
"Sounds good."
"They are amazing."
"Okay then let's make them." He walked over and grabbed a bowl and a spoon. "We are being really healthy." He said sarcastically "Pizza, ice cream, and brownies."
"We don't have to eat them now." I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever you say."

I poured the mix into the bowl. I swear these packages are getting smaller and smaller every time my mom buys them. I turned to Louis who was looking through the fridge.

"Harry where are the eggs?"
"Top shelf babe."
"No they're not."
"I just saw them." I walked over to the fridge and pulled out the eggs. "See."
"Ohh. I could have found them."
"Uh huh." I grabbed his hand and led him over to the counter where I had put the bowl. "Here can you put two eggs in the bowl? I'm going to get the oil."

I grabbed the oil out of the cupboard. It was almost empty. Of course. I poured all of it into the required measuring cup. Actually it was almost the perfect amount.

"Okay Haz is that, like all we have to do?"
"Yeah oil, eggs water." I said.
"Okay, perfect. I'll put it in a pan and into the oven." He said looking through ten cupboard to grab a pan.
"Thanks babe. Please don't burn yourself."
"I'll try not to. You can go pick out a movie since it is your house."
"Okay. I will. Thank you for clarifying it's my home. It's not like it's obvious."
"Definitely not." He winked and started scooping the batter into the pan. I smiled and shook my head.

I began to walk up to my room. I figured we could watch a movie in there. It's cozier anyways. On my book shelf I had lots of movies. From Disney to horror or even some random romance ones, which lets be real, are the best ones. I'm thinking The Notebook.
Louis walked into my room and sat on the corner of bed.

"Haz, please don't be upset." He said and grabbed my hands.
"Okay jeez what's wrong?"
"I spilled the batter. All over the floor. I cleaned it up, but we don't have brownies, but, before you say anything else, yes. I did leave you some batter that was left on the rim of the bowl if you would like it."

"It's okay Lou. No big deal."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. Just next time we go to Walmart you have to buy me brownies."
"Deal." He kissed my nose and sat back onto the pillow. "What we watching?"
"The notebook."
"Oh good, now I'm going to cry."
"Sorry babe, you just know how much I love this movie."
"I know, so I'll let it slide this time."
"Be honest you like it too."
"That is true."

Louis rolled over so he was on top of me. He sat his head into my chest. "Hi."
"Hi Lou." I ran my hands through his hair. He leaned up and pressed his forehead to mine.
"Your so gosh darn beautiful Harry." He said before pressing his lips to mine. I began to kiss back. He was my everything. I am so lucky to have him.

He pulled back from the kiss.
"Harry I love you."
"I love you too."
"Really?" He smiled and lifted his eyebrows up.
"Yeah." I giggled and pulled him down so his nose was by mine. "I really love you."
"I really love you too." He said.

I kissed him. I kissed him like tomorrow was not going to come. He continued to run his hands through my hair and down my neck. I began to plant small kisses down his jawline. He leaned his head to the side a little leaving me room to Move My lips down his neck.

After a little while he laid his head back onto my chest. His touch made me feel safe and warm. When I was around him I was me. I haven't been thinking about things as much. My life has changed so much since he's been in it, for the better of course. My friends lives have too. Me, Lou, Niall, Zayn, and Liam have all been hanging out. It's so great. I have a group.

"Baby I'm tired."
"Okay Hazza we'll  go to sleep." He ran a hand over my cheek. "I love you." He smiled.
"I love you too. Now cuddle me." I laughed.
"Of course." He slipped his hands over my torso. I leaned into him. I could feel his heartbeat.

"See you in the morning sweet cheeks."
"Okay, Goodnight love."

Hi loves I'm sorry if this is kinda short. The next part might be kinda long. So be prepared lol. I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner! Oopsies. Thanks for reading! Xx

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