Part 31

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I decided I had to make one thing clear. This.
Our love. It wasn't for nothing.

I decided to take Harry to one of my favorite places.

"Where are we lou?" Harry said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"You'll see, now come on." I got out and opened his door. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. "We have to walk down a trail, it's not long though." I assured him. He rubbed his thumb against my hand.

We began to walk down a pathed trail. Not many people knew about it though. It was cold out, but it was nice.

"Oh lou, this is beautiful."

"Just like you love."  I said. He laughed and smiled.

We walked a little farther, then we came to the spot. There was a little river and a bench. It was absolutely serene. We both sat down.

"Haz I was thinking about something."

"What is it?"

"I was thinking about how I couldn't ever lose you. I want to make sure you know that I can always be here. Even if you think I need 'alone time' I will always be there for you. I never want you to think you can't call me or show up at my house just because. I want you to know that whenever something's wrong I will always be there to drench you in kisses and do my best to make the hurt go away. Harry, I just love you so much it hurts. Over the course of about four months I have been able to see you, hear you, and really get to know who Harry Styles is. I learned about everything. I just- I just know that one day there will be a time when we can live with white picket fences and a beautiful home and little kids walking around, "He smiled as tears formed in the corner of beautiful green eyes, "so even though it's hard now, we'll be alright." I finished.

Harry put his hands on my neck. "I love you too." He pulled me in. Our lips rushed together. They tased sweet. Electricity felt like it was buzzing all throughout my body. Harry moves his hands down around my back. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. He let it happen.

He pulled back and began to kiss my neck. I pushed away as I heard a few voices. "Lou, what's wrong?" He asked in between kisses.  "I'm not sure, I thought I heard someone."
"Maybe we should get going then?"

Harry kissed my lips once more and then grabbed my hand.  We began to walk back up the trail to the car. I heard the voice again.

"Okay Haz, do you hear that? Or am I going crazy?"

"No, I hear it too."

"Okay." I said. Harry grabbed my hand a little tighter as we walked up.

Three boys were ahead. They looked familiar.

"Hey Styles, right?" One of them asked.

"Yeah." Harry replied softly. "Why?"

The boy rolled his eyes.

"Tomlinson, didn't think you'd go out with a guy? Especially styles." He laughed.

"Excuse me?"

"At least if you were gonna be gay you could have went for someone a little less," he paused and smiled, "helpless."

I let go of Harry's hand.

"What are you doing?" Harry whispered.

"What a loser I mean like... it's not like we didnt hear about your little suicide attempt." He said looking Harry in the eyes.

"How do you know about that?" I asked walking closer to them.

"Oh... word spreads." He snickered. "And his poor sister. He really should just kill him self."

I walked closer to him.

"Oh Now Tommo thinks hes all big and strong."

I continued to walk closer to him.

"Aww styles... what a baby just sitting there halfway in tears." One of them said.

I had enough.

I took his shirt in my hand. "If you say one. More. Thing. About me or Harry. I will beat the shit out of you."

"Like you could." He laughed.

I pushed him to the ground. "Oh yeah?"

His face turned from a snicker to a frown. His friends backed up.

"I will beat your ass." I said. "Don't doubt it." I kicked him in the side. He groaned.

"Come on Harry." I walked back to him and took his hand in mine. "Don't ever say one more word to me or Harry." I said.

They nodded and ran to the boy on the ground.

"What a bunch of dicks." I said as we walked away.

"Oh my gosh Louis."


"I just didn't see that coming from you."

"I couldn't just let them stand there and talk about you like that. Harry don't listen to them. It makes me so mad that people could even stand to talk to people like that."

"Yeah I know. Thank you."

"Of course."

"You know we could have beat them up together." He said.

"I know babes."

He laughed.

When we go to the car Harry turned on the radio.

"I'm starving." Harry said.

"Yeah me too."

"What are you going to get?"

"Don't know, honestly."

"Yeah, me neither."

Harry sat back in his seat. I backed out and started to drive to the restaurant. A song came on that obviously made Harry very happy. He started humming.

"What's this song?" I asked.

"How do you not know it?"

"I don't know."

"Oh lou, let me educate you." He turned the volume up.

Harry began to sing along.

"Hold me closer tiny dancer Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today
Hold me closer, tiny dancer
Count the headlights on the highway
Lay me down in sheets of linen
You had a busy day today."

His face was full of joy. A smile was present on his perfect face. His dimples proudly being shone off. He just sang and it was beautiful.

"Isn't it a good song lou?" He asked.

"It's really good baby."

"I know." He laughed. I couldn't help but smile along with him. Because when he was happy I was happy. And knowing that he's happy makes me happy.

Happy Larry. What do you think about lou beating up that brat. Showed him the Tommo way.

How are you all? I'm actually sick right now. Well not sick, sick, just allergies. My head is pounding so I'm really hoping this part is okay.

Love you all!!!! Sorry for the late upload.


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