Part 6

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Be aware of the POV changes some of them are quick!


6:30 in the morning. Oh god, I overslept. I practically flung myself out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and ran a some gel through my hair. Just a little bit.  I grabbed some black skinny jeans and a hoodie.

"This will have to do." I said as I tugged the hoodie over my head. I ran to grab shoes and I was out the door. I got into my car and started it. It was cold. Even thought it was only fall, the chill was beginning to set in. Good thing I wore a hoodie. I turned on the radio and made my way to school.

I pulled into the parking lot and into the spot that I always go to. I walked in right on time. I walked into my class. Harry who sat behind me looked up. His face was red.

"What's wrong?" I whispered as I sat down. He just shook his head and laid it back into his folded arms. He looked miserable, Rough. I felt terrible. I'll have to ask him later.

"Okay class. First of all Good Morning! I hope everyone is doing well. Today we are going to start reading out of the textbooks. So you all have one placed in your desk please get that out and turn to page 27."

I grabbed my book and flipped the page quickly. I turned around.

"Harry." He didn't look up he just flipped slowly to the page in the textbook.

"Harry." I whisper yelled. He looked up . A few fresh tears were on his face.

"You aren't okay-"

"Mr. Tomlinson. Please turn around in your seat."

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you. Uh okay class please read to page 35. We'll go through it all tomorrow, but I need you to take notes with it. This is a very easy assignment, which means it's an easy A." Miss Andrews said. We all nodded.

I started to read, but I couldn't concentrate. What was going on? Why was Harry crying? I want to help him? I tried to stop thinking about it and get this work done. It was simple. It really was.

"Louis." Miss Andrews said.


"Can I see you up here please."

"Sure." I walked up.

"Louis, is everything okay? I noticed you You seem distracted."

"I'm fine."

"Okay. Let me know if you need something."

"I will." I walked back to my seat. No. I was not going to tell her why I was 'distracted'. That was not something she needed to know about.

The bell rang thank god. Harry was the first out of the room. I picked up my pace and finally caught up to him. I grabbed his shoulder.

"Harry? What's wrong?"

"Louis Can you leave me alone? I'm sorry just, please." He said.

"But you're crying."

"Please." He begged. I just nodded as he walked away.


I wasn't going to lunch in the cafeteria today. My car would be better. I walked down the hallway. I wiped my face off. I didn't even know why I was crying. It just sucked. I was thinking about it again. Something I shouldn't be thinking about. I started to pick up my pace.


"Louis I have told you. Leave me alone. I need to be a-alone." I choked. He walked closer to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

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