Part 40

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*Four Years Later*


I opened my eyes. The first thing that I see everyday is Louis. That's the best thing to see when I wake up. I moved closer into him. "Good morning baby."

He opened his eyes slightly and smiled. "Good morning, love." He kissed my cheek.

"I'll let you sleep in a little longer. I should probably go get the kiddos up."

"Alrighty, I appreciate it so much."

"You're welcome." I winked. I threw a pair of pajama bottoms over my boxer and walked to Darcy's room. She was the oldest. Almost three now. We adopted her and her brother Oliver a year ago. Its been crazy, but one of the best things of my life.

 I cracked her door open and see her standing at the edge of it. "Daddy?"

"Hi sweetie." I open the door a little further and pick her up. 

"Good Morning." She smiles.

"Morning honey." I kissed the top of her head and moved the hair our of her face. "You've got some major bedhead don't you." I tickled her belly.

"Daddy, that tickles." She giggled. I laughed and put her down. 

"Want to go get Oliver?"


"Why not."

"Can I go lay with Dada?"

I knelt down to her level. "Dada's trying to sleep."

"But I want to see him."

"He'll be up soon, I promise."

"Okay." She frowned.

"Come on princess." 

She grabbed my finger with her tiny hand and walked with me to Oliver's room. He was only one and absolutely adorable. I peaked in and saw that he was still asleep.

"Is he awake?" Darcy whispered. 

"Nope. Let's let him sleep, alright."

She nodded and walked back to Louis and I's room.

"Honey...You know Dada's sleeping."

She pouted her and and grabbed the door handle. Her pout quickly tuned into a smirk. 

"Darcy, don't you dare go in there."

She turned back to me and giggled and then burst into the room. I ran after her. 

"Darcy," I made my voice as soft as possible, "Be very quiet okay?"

She nodded. I walked over to her and picked her up onto the bed. She cuddled up close to Louis. These moments are my favorite. I slid into bed next to her and Lou. Her little hand rested on his cheek. I saw him smile faintly. I knew he was up. I laughed and laid my head down. He opened his eyes. 

"Hello princess." He said. 

"Hi Dada!" He held her in his arms. He smiled at me and mouthed, 'We're so lucky'

'I know', I Whispered. 

"Well Darce, do you know what's happening today?"


"You and lil Olive are going over to uncle Liam's house." He said. lil Olive is Oliver's nickname that Louis decided was perfect. I will say it has grown on me.

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