Part 11

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"Louis this is amazing."

"You're amazing." He said, head still tilted, looking towards the sky. His head still resting on my chest. I rubbed his shoulder.

"So are you." I said.

"This reminds me of when we were little." He said.

"When we used to sleep in that tent that I had?" I laughed.

"Yeah that fucking nightmare of a tent." He look up toward my face.

"Hey, it only took like half an hour to put up."

"Way too long."

We both laughed.

"You're even pretty laying down." He said.

"No I'm not." I said Turning away from his face.

"Yes you are." He placed his hand on my cheek and turned my face back to his. "There. Now I can look at your beautiful eyes." He said, slightly, scrunching his nose. As he did that small winkles appeared by his eyes. Like when he smiled. They were beautiful.

"Louis tell me something I don't know. You wouldn't tell me anything earlier."

He looked back up at the stars. "Sometimes I sing."

"Awww Lou you have to sing for me."

"I'm not good at it. I just sing." He said.


"Not now Hazza. Tell me something I don't know about you first."

"You know about my mess of a life."

"You're not a mess." He said as he began sitting up.


"Harry. You're not a mess and if you think you are, just know that you are the most amazing mess I have ever stumbled across."

"Oh come on Louis this is our first date." I blushed.

"I know it's not going to be our last." He said. I looked into his vivid blue eyes. He placed a hand over my cheek. He leaned closer to me. He then pressed his lips against mine. I took his face into my hands and began to kiss him back. His lips tasted like mint. Mint chapstick.

We pulled back. I couldn't look away. He was too beautiful. His skin was perfect. It was silky and glowed in the moonlight. He was smiling back at me, while I was smiling like a fool.

"Harry has anyone ever told you that you look like a prince?"

"No." I said. He pushed a small stand of my hair behind my ear.

"You really do. The most handsome prince."

"Thank you. Has anyone ever told you that you look like Louis?" I said.

"I get that a lot." He giggled and pecked my lips once more.

"You're dimples are really cute." Louis said, running his thumbs over my cheeks.

"My family has always adored them."

"Well make that one more than your family."


"We didn't watch one bit of the whole movie." I said.

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