Part 38

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*September 28*


The suit was perfect. A sleek black suit. I paired it with a pink tie, Harry's request, and, of course painted nails. These were also pink. I didn't have my suit on quite yet. I was waiting for my friends and family to get here. They told me I had to wait. Although Zayn was already here, but in the bathroom. I sat on the couch that was in the "dressing room" at the venue, which was perfect by the way.

Outside there were tables set up that had beautiful pink and white flowers and each chair had a little white bow on the back. Inside was where the ceremony would take place. It was absolutely stunning. Each chair inside had pink bows on them, as you probably could tell, that was Harry's request. He did most of the planning, I just wanted to marry the man.

There was an arch at the front of the room that was covered in vines and pink and white roses which was where we would officially be married. I couldn't wait.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Louis, honey, we're here." It was my mom.

"Come in." I said. She cracked the door slightly and then opened it fully and walked in.

"Hi mom." I said.

"Hi honey," she hugged me. Lottie followed her.

"Hey Lou." She smiled.

"Hi lots. Where's the other girls?" I asked as I ushered them to sit down.

"There at home with A babysitter, they'll be coming later." She said with Smile. I nodded. "Where's Zayn?"

"Probably taking a sh- I mean going to the bathroom."

"Good save there big guy ." Lottie smacked my shoulder. Mom rolled her eyes.

"Alright shithead I'm back-" Zayn walked into the room. "Hello Mrs Tomlinson, lovely to see you here," He stifled his laughter and sat down next to me.

I see we've all been swearing a lot, hmm?"

"Yeah." he said.

Well at least you're honest." She shrugged her shoulders and turned her attention to the suit. "Well baby you got a few more hours until you're a married man." She wiped her eyes.

"Momma don't cry yet, you'll make me cry." I said with a laugh, even though quite frankly I meant it. I've shed a few tears the past few nights because I'm so excited and a little nervous. There's going to be lots of people watching which normally wouldn't make me nervous, but i just don't wanna mess it up.

"Alright honey, I'll try. Have you seen Harry?"

"I saw him yesterday, we figured today we would wait to see each other until the actual wedding."

"I wonder how he's holding up?" Zayn asked.


"Shit, shit, shit." I mumbled.

"Honey its a little wine stain that's under the collar. No one is going to see it." my mom said. Gemma was trying to get the stain out, while Niall and Liam where getting lunch.

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