Part 22

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"Look." I said pointing into the room. Harry turned his head and looked at Gemma. Her heart monitor had a beat. Doctors were starting her oxygen again. Turning everything back on. Harry stood up and wiped his face.

"S-shes o-Okay?" He sobbed.

"She's alive." I said.

"Oh my g-" He pushed the door open. "She's alive?" He asked the doctors.

"Yes, were going to have to keep a close watch on her though."

"Thank you." He choked.

"You're welcome. Feel free to go get some sleep, a nurse will be in her room will her from the next 24 hours and we will call you with updates."

"Thank you t-thank you so much." He hugged the doctors and then came back to me.

"Is it okay if we stay for a little bit?" Harry asked.

"Of course."

"Okay thank you."

"She could wake up anytime." The doctor said.

"Okay, Thank you."

"Lou, I'm gonna call my mom okay."

"Okay babes." I sat down on the sofa in the corner of the room and Harry sat next to me.


"Hey mom."

"Hi honey I'm almost there, how is she doing? Is she okay?"

"Yeah mom she's doing okay right now. She uh, she wasn't doing good a little while ago."

"Oh harry. Honey, please, oh dear lord, please stay with her until I get there."

"I will mom."

"So she's okay?"


"Okay. Okay." Honey are you okay?"

"I'm doing fine, mom, I want you to get home safe, so I'm going to hang up. I love you."

"I love you baby."

I put my hands against my face and leaned down, so my elbows were on my knees. Louis began to rub my back.

"Is you're mom close baby?"


"It'll be okay Haz. Come 'ere."

I leaned into his side and just began to sob.

"Hey baby shh it's okay." He said.

"No it's not."

"Shhh yes it is. See how strong Gemma is baby."

"She is, I know."

"Yeah." He moved me to his lap. I rested my head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm just scared." I said trying to hold back my sobs.

"I know, me too."

"And tired."

"Go to sleep then Haz."

"I shouldn't."

"No, go ahead. I'll wake you up when your mom gets here."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." He said putting a hand on the back of my head.

"Okay. Thank you."


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