Part 8

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I pulled into Liam's driveway. So much just happened. So many thoughts. So, so many. I opened my car door and walked to the front door. I didn't want to wake up his family, so I used his spare key. They always kept an extra one under a potted plant that was on their porch. I opened the door and put the key back right where I found it.

I walked up to Liam's room. He was sitting in his bed.

"Okay Harry. What's the big thing?"

"Liam I-" I sat down on his bed and buried my face into my hands.

"What's wrong?"

"Liam I hung out with Louis Tomlinson today."

"I haven't heard about him in a while."

Liam scooted closer to me and placed an around around my shoulders. "Harry I know that's not all you wanted to tell me."

"Ok uh here it goes. Ok umm Liam, there I something different about Louis. I don't know, I look at him differently. He's... really nice and cool and easy to talk to and h-he's cute." I nervously said. Liam smiled. "I don't know if that makes me gay or-"

"You don't have to know yet Harry."

"I know I just want help."

"Well, what kind of help?"

"I just need to know what to do?" I said.

"Maybe just hang out with him more. If he has feelings for you, you'll be able to tell. He'll flirt."

"Did he flirt today?" Liam asked. I rolled my eyes. Liam just smiled.

"I mean I guess. I don't know?"

"What did he say or do?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Well uh he took me to his place after I had an anxiety attack which is why I left school early. He helped me through that which was uh really nice and we uh watched a movie."

"So basically you had an at home date."

"I watch movies with you and Niall. It's a friend thing."

"That's different."

"Whatever." I laughed.

"No but seriously Harry I think you should see what his signals are."

"Okay I'll try that."

My phone dinged.

Mom- Where are you?
Harry- Liam's.
Mom- Okay sweetie, maybe be home by 11?
Harry- ok I'll be home
Mom- love you.
Harry- love you too.

"Did Louis text you?"

"No it was my mom. I have to be home by 11."

"Ehh you have like 45 mins until you have to leave. So what do you want to do?"

"Liam please don't hate me."

"Why would I hate you?"

"I need to go home."

"Okay. Do what's best for you."

"Thanks Li."

"Of course H."

"See ya."


I walked out to my car. I sat down and rested my head on my steering wheel. Liam helped, but I still had to use my brain to decide everything. To decide who I am. Who I like. All of this is from one days worth of stuff.

I need to give it time. Not everything happens quickly. What if Louis really doesn't like me at all in the first place? What if I confess my feelings and he doesn't have any? I can't do that. I am not doing that.

I started to drive home. I turned on the radio. At this point I had so much going through my head I could barley focus on one thought. Liam's advice, my thoughts, me and Louis being that close, Louis hearing that I said he was cute, and my feelings. Were they real?

I pulled into my driveway and walked straight up to my room. My mom must have been asleep. Her bedroom light was off. I sat on my bed staring up at my ceiling fan, which was not on so it was really boring to look at.

My phone dinged once. Then another time and then another time.
"Jeez." I flip my phone over. It was Louis.

Louis- Hey Harry.
Louis- I hope this is actually your number.
Louis- I really enjoyed today.
Harry- me too. And yeah this is my number lol
Louis- how are you?
Harry- I'm fine.
Louis- then you're not fine.
Harry- no this time I'm actually fine. Nothing more nothing less.
Louis- hmmm
Harry- how r you?
Louis- Fine ;)
Harry- just fine ;)
Louis- just fine.
Harry- I'm going to go take a shower.
Louis- have fun.
Harry- I'll try.

I smiled and put my phone on my bed. I walked into bathroom and turned on my shower. I striped out of today's clothes and threw them into the hamper. Looking in the mirror was one of my least favorite things. So, I didn't do it today because for once I was actually feeling fine. I took my towel and draped it over the mirror. Perfect. I stepped into the hot shower. It was already steamy. I liked the shower to be as hot as possible.

I poured a small puddle of shampoo into my palm and then massaged it through my hair. I kept thinking about today. Louis made me happy. We've only been reconnecting for a few days and it already feels like I've known him for so long. I trust him. Which is good. It's nice to have another who I can trust.

I rinsed the shampoo out and hopped out of the shower. I heard a knock on the door

"Harry, honey, your phone has been going off."

"Oh okay. Thank you mom."

"You're welcome."

I dried off my body and realized I forgot a pair of clean boxers. Crap. I wrapped my towel around my waist and walked to my room.

I grabbed a pair and slipped them on. I then put my towel on the rack in the bathroom. I walked back to my room and look at my phone.

Louis- Hey your showers are long
Louis- omg harry
Louis- Jeez
Louis- I'm going to FaceTime you
Louis- you didn't pick up
Louis- ugh whatever
Harry- Sorry Lou I was taking a shower
Harry- it was actually a normal amount of time
Louis- which is?
Harry- probably about 10 mins
Louis- felt like ages
Harry- did you miss me?
Louis- sure
Harry- did you?
Louis- why do you want to know?

I hit the FaceTime button. Louis quickly answered. He smiled.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi. Did you miss me?"

"Oh come on." He rolled his eyes. "You, Harold, the person I have only hung out with twice since we're little," he paused and then a title bit of red creeped on onto his cheeks. "Maybe a little." He muttered

"I missed you too." I smiled.

"Your cute." He whispered.

"What?" I asked.


"Okay whatever. I'm going to go to bed Lou."

"Oh come on you're lame."

"M' not lame It's just late."

"Fine. Goodnight Harold."

"Night Lou."

For my lovelies who have been reading this thank you so much. I honestly am just doing this because I love writing! I hope you enjoy it tho!!! Vote please!!! Thanks

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