Part 37

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"So baby, where are we going?" I asked. We were about fifteen minutes away from Louis dorm.

"Somewhere special." He said grinning.

"Really special?" I asked leaning my elbow on the center console.

"Really special." He said patting my head. I laughed and sat back into my seat.

Thinking about what place would be so special. Louis must have this important idea of a date.

"Can you give me a hint where we're going?"


"Ahhh come on." I pouted.

"You'll get enough hints as we get closer." He smiled at me.

"Fine. I just hope it's somewhere great," I gasped, "Louis? Are you taking me to Disney land?"

"No harry." He giggled, "even better."

"Alright I'm trusting you on this one."


2 weeks ago I traveled back home on the weekend. The first weekend Harry wasn't staying at my place.

I walked up to Harry's home. I knocked.

"Louis honey, what brings you here? Always glad to see you."

"I was just wondering if I could talk to you?"

"Oh, is everything alright?" She asked, gesturing for me to come in.

"Everything is perfect." I took off my shoes and followed her into the living room. I sat on the opposite side of the couch from her.

"So what's up?"

"Well first off how are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing well. What's the excitement Louis? I'm getting excited."

"Anne, me and Harry have been dating for four years now. These four years have been the best four years of my life. It's been tough some days, but me and Harry always got through it. Together. I was thinking it's finally time. It's finally time to keep him safe forever. To hold him near when he's sick. To have children and see them running around our home. To own a home. To live my life and grow old with Harry's So, I have to ask, can I marry your son?"

Her eyes filled with tears. "There's no one else that's I would rather him spend the rest of his life with." She pulled me close into a hug. "Louis honey, you can marry Harry. Harry deserves you. You treat him like the princess he is." She laughed.

"I promise. Forever and ever."

That was the day I knew that Harry was going to be mine.


"Are we there yet?"

"Almost." He said.

"Louis, are we near home?" I asked


"What are we doing here?"

"Just wait baby."

I turned on the radio and began to think again. I thought of everything that could be happening. So many different things. Then, it hit me. 

Four years.

Louis was taking us home.


I think- I think this is the time.

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