Part 36

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*three years later*
April 28th


Harry was coming today. I haven't seen him in a few weeks. We don't live far away, but with it being his first year of college he's been trying to keep up his studies. Which I'm so proud of him for. He's doing amazing.

But weeks without seeing him is hard. I know, I know, some people go on months or years without seeing the love of their life, I just can't. Me and Harry usually spend at least four days out of the week together, being that our colleges are only an hour away.

I've FaceTimed him every night. Texted him every hour of the day, but for those weeks it wasn't enough. I miss him so much. Thank gosh we're seeing each other today, a beautiful Saturday for a beautiful event.

Zayn, who has been my roommate for the past three years, little bastard decided to send in a note every year that he had to be my room mate or he'd flunk every class. I have no clue how they let it slide, but hey, it worked.

He walked out rubbing his eyes and sat on the couch, next to me.

"Sleeping beauty has awoken." I said laughing at the tired look on his face.

"Yeah and now I feel like a sleeping bitch. My hangover sucks." He said grabbing the bowl of cereal out of my hands.

"Hey, I was eating that."

"Not anymore."


"So, are you doing it today?"

"Yeah, I am. I think it's the right time. Right?"

"Yeah of course. You guys have been dating for like four years. It's the right time." He said turning on the TV. "I mean you know he's gonna say yes."

"I know, I'm just nervous."

"It's going to be alright lou," he sat down the cereal on the coffee table between the couch and the TV. "You have been wanting to get married to Harry who is the love of your life for like three years now. Louis, I can't think of a better time."

"You think?"

"I know."

"Thanks Z."

He nodded and picked up the bowl again, "Are Niall and Liam coming to stay with us for the weekend, along with Haz?"

"I'm not sure. Text 'em."

"Alright." He sat down the cereal again and walked to his room.

I pulled out my phone and saw a missed call from Harry.

I called him back.

"Hey babe. What's wrong?"

"Oh I was just letting you know that I'll be there soon. Ni, and Liam are with me."

"Oh okay."

"Okay boo, I love you so much. See you soon."

"Love you too. Drive safe."

"I am."

"Kisses." I hung up and walked into my room. The ring box was sitting on my dresser. I put it in my desk drawer so Harry wouldn't see it.

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