Part 34

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I snuck into my room trying to bring too much attention to myself as I knew that some girl is most likely still here with the girls. I could hear a movie playing from the twins room.

I slowly shut my door and turned the light on. I sat at my desk with the nail posting in my hand and the blanket next to me on the floor.

I opened my hand with the nail polish in it and looked at it for a bit. The last time I had nail polish on my hands I wiped it off before school. This will be the first time I do it. I took the cap off and began to stroke the brush against my nails.

I smiled as I finished my left hand. I moved onto the right. I'm not going to be good at this one.

I ended up only getting a little nail polish around my nails. Not too bad. I pulled out my phone and sent Harry a picture.

He's going to love it.

Someone knocked on my door. I opened it, assuming it was the girls, but it wasn't. A taller, skinny girl was standing in front of me.

"Can I help you?"

"Hi, you must be Louis." She said holding her hand out.

"Yeah, who are you?"

"Your sisters babysitter, my names El."


"I just thought I introduce myself. Your mom said she had a son so I-"

"Oh." I paused, "You're not like looking for someone are you?"

She blushed, "I mean, no I- you have a girlfriend don't you?"


"Oh." She smiled.

"A boyfriend." I smiled. Open Louis. Be open.

"Oh, cool." She looked down. "What's he like?"

"He's lovely, hes so sweet and beautiful and handsome and nice and has this lovely curly hair and cheeky smile and his dimples, don't even get me started on his dimples. When he smiled his whole face is completed by these small divots on his cheeks. He lights up a room with just his smile. And he's great and he loves me," I found myself sitting in my bed with el next to me, "he's perfect." I whispered.

"He sounds amazing."

I nodded.

"Sorry about being, ya know, very pushy at first."

"It's alright. I mean I'm hot what can I say." I laughed.

She blushed. "Do you want me to stay here with you sisters or do you got them?"

"I got 'em. Go get some sleep, school tomorrow."

She nodded as waved a goodbye. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room and into the twins room. Everyone was passed out except Lottie who was crying.

"What's wrong baby?" I said and scooped her into my arms.

"When's mommy gonna be home?" I haven't heard her talk like this in a while. Somethings wrong.

"Soon lots, I promise. What's wrong?"

"I feel asleep, and when I woke up she was gone no one was in here. I thought that there was no one besides me and them." She pointed to our sisters.

"Shhh I'm here. Don't worry, nothing is going to happen. I'm right here." I held her close to my chest. "You are alright." I heard a car door shut. "I think moms home now, go see her."

She nodded and ran to see her. "Mommy!" She yelled. I carried fizz, and the twins to their beds and walked downstairs and sat on the chair.

"Hi babes." My mom said as she held Lottie.

"Hey mom." I smiled. She began to talk to Lottie. I pulled out my phone and saw that Harry had responded.

Harry- baby I'm so proud.
Harry- I know that you're scared
Harry- but it's gonna be okay
Harry- no one will know because I'm the only one who gets to hold that beautiful hand of yours
Harry- your dainty fingers
Harry- your small hands
Harry- beautiful boy
Louis- making me bush Haz
Harry- was beginning to think you died love
Louis- still here, I was with the girls
Harry- oh, did your mom make it home?
Louis- Yep!
Harry- great, now Louis
Louis- Yes?
Harry- can you pick me up for school tomorrow?
Louis- Of course.
Harry- thank you, I really don't wanna drive tomorrow
Louis- it's all alright Haz.
Harry- :)
Louis- goodnight baby.
Harry- night love.

I threw my phone next to me and walked over to my mom.


"Yeah sweetie?"

"Wanna chat for a little while?"

"Sure, let me go put Lottie to sleep." She scooped her into her arms and walked up stairs. I scooted into the side of the couch and tucked my legs up. I heard my mom walking down the stairs.

"What's up?" She said, tucking her legs under her as she sat on the opposite side of the couch.

I leaned back. "How does four months feel like forever?"

"Four months?" She questioned.

"Yeah, how do I feel like I have known him for a life time."

"Lou I think it's because you love him."

"I do love him." I smiled. "So much." I looked down. "I think- I think one day I wanna," I paused and she looked at me with a smile, "I think one day, when we are out of school, I think we'll get married."

"I hope so baby, I know that's what you want and you know what?"


"I think he's a lovely boy. He's he's very lucky to have you and you are lucky to have him."

"I know I am." I nodded.

"Mhmm." She mumbled and put her hand to my knee. "Marriage is a beautiful thing Louis, when the time is right."

"And well have these beautiful suits and I'll kiss him and declare my love for him, for forever and then we'll live in a beautiful house with kids and I'll be letting the kids sneak candy and cookies out of the pantry while Harry is playfully yelling  and telling me to wait for dinner to be done. And then we will dance in the kitchen and we'll have our jobs, One day me and Harry will help people all around the world because I want people to be okay and know their worth."

She wiped her eyes and hugged me. "My little Lou is growing up."

"I know mom, but I just can't wait for us to be done with school. I know I have to wait. And I know it's only been four months, but damn, sorry mom, these four months have been the best four months of my whole life and I know you know it's been rocky, but some how we always trail out of the rockiness."

She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"And one day I'll sit in the front of my baby boy and his handsome boyfriend and watch them become husbands. One day Lou."

"One day."

I'm so freaking sorry I haven't updated in a while. I promise hopefully tomorrow my insta will be back to normal and so will my updating of something more.

Also I'm scared, the election is tomorrow. Wish the US luck, were gonna need it.

Love you all!

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