Part 3

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Thank god it was lunch. Which meant I was already half way through the day. I was already sick of school. We had nothing that was technically graded today so far so I haven't had to try. I sat down at an empty table waiting for Niall and Liam to join me. I packed something small since I knew I wouldn't be that hungry. Just a sandwich, some chips and a water. Niall made his way to the table.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey. I'm starving." He replied.

"When are you not."

"Very true Harry, very true." Liam finally found his way to our table.

"What are we talking about?" He asked, sitting down with us.

"Niall and his love for food."

Liam laughed. We all started to eat our food.

"So Niall hows Lilly." Liam asked with a mouthful of food.

"I haven't really talked to her."

"Come on Niall." I hit his shoulder.


"You need to talk to her if you want her." Liam said.

"Duh." Niall said, "I'm just nervous."

"Don't be."

"I'll try."

"Ill be right back. I have to throw my trash away." They both nodded. I grabbed my baggies and water bottle and headed towards the trash bins at the front of the cafeteria. Then, stupid me tripped face first onto the floor.
"Are you kidding me." I whispered to myself. I started to stand up when a Hand reached out. I looked up. It was Louis.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"M' fine."



"You're welcome." He smiled and walked back to his seat. No one laughed. Not one person. Actually I take that back. Niall and Liam looked as if they could die of laughter right now. I walked back to the table embarrassed. My cheeks were pink.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked.



The bell rang shortly after. I said my goodbyes to the boys and headed to my next class. I walked in and sat down. The teacher was in quickly. Very surprising.

"Good afternoon class now, my name is Mr Benit, and I teacher your history class. Now this is another class that is a mix between you juniors and seniors." The door opened.

"I am so sorry I'm late."

"That's fine Mr Tomlinson. Is mr Malik not in your class this year?"

"Oh umm no, he's in the other one." Louis said.

"Very well, take a seat." Louis sat near the front of the class. The only seat left.

Its odd. Louis has literally not been in my life for years and now all of a sudden he is in half of my classes. I mean I guess it makes since. We have similar grades. Well I'm guessing. I have always heard he's had amazing grades. Straight A's.
"Class I would like to start off with a group project. No, this will not be for a grade as in how correct it is. I just want to see what you know and how well you can work with a a partner. I will be picking groups." The class sighed. I personally didn't mind. It's not like I had any friends in this class and I already hated group projects, so how could it get any worse. "Seniors with juniors." He said. There we go. That's how it could.

"Let's see." He grabbed his attendance sheet.

"Mr Styles where are you?" He looked up. I raised my hand.

"Ahh good. You can partner with... Mr Tomlinson over there." Louis looked back at me and waved. I waved back. Okay, this should be interesting.

"Okay now that everyone has been assigned a partner please get with them." I walked over to Louis.

"Hi." I said.

"Hey." He said.

"Umm so..."

"We don't have to... ya know. Talk that much if you don't want to."

"Oh no uh it's fine. I just am not very good with... people." I said.

"That's okay me neither." He chuckled.

"Okay class. Great first day! Have a lovely rest of it!" The bell rang exactly when he finished. Here we go onto the next class.


To be honest I was not an awkward person around people. I was normally pretty chill, but for some reason it was different around Harry. Maybe it was the fact that we haven't spoken since 4th or 5th grade. I'm not sure. Deep down I knew It was because I was the person who broke up that friendship. I don't think he knew it, but I did. I couldn't handle my emotions. I didn't know what phase I was going through at the time. I was struggling mentally even though I was so young. Almost too young to be going through the anxiety. I don't know why. I really don't know. I felt weird being around him. Its all coming back. I don't know why I feel like that.

I made it down the hall to my last class. Last one for the day. I was glad. I was excited to get home. I am definitely a home body. I liked being home with my family. I am definitely a home body in a way. I like to be with my family to make sure everything's okay and everyone is okay too.

"Take a seat class. Today's going to be pretty simple. Just take notes." Our teacher sighed. I got the vibe that he didn't want to be there. Not to far off from the rest of us then. Zayn took a seat next to me.

"Hey what are we doing?" He leaned next to my ear.


"Are you kidding me?"

"Why would I lie about that?"

He shrugged. I pulled out a notebook and a pencil and began to write down what he put on the board. I looked over at Zayn who looked as if he could have passed our right then and there. He had dark circles under his eyes. Earlier this morning he said he got back from a party at 5am. I don't know why he was out that late. He offered to take me. I'm glad I decided not to go. There is not way I could have functioned today.

"Okay once you have finished the notes I would like you to write a one page essay about you. Since this is not English class it will not be graded. I just want to get to know you." He  smiled and then sat back at his desk. I looked over to Zayn who rolled his eyes. I began to write about myself. What the heck do I say?

My name is Louis Tomlinson. I love playing soccer. Honestly it's more than a love or a want. It's a must. It makes me feel alive. I am very passionate about it and hope one day to pursue my passion in college and maybe even become professional.

The bell rang.
"That's your homework! Have a good day!"

I walked closer to Zayn.

"So how much you wanna bet that class is going to be miserable." I asked.

"Hmm without a doubt." He said. "Hey I'll catch up with you later. I'm going home to sleep."

"Okay. Just actually sleep and do not go to a party tonight."

"I won't be able to, trust me." He waved and then proceeded to walk out the doors to his car. I walked to mine. In the car next to me a boy had his head down. I walked over to the window and knocked on it. The boy looked up. His eyes were red. His cheeks tear stained.

Well... what did you think of this part? It would be really helpful if you could comment. I would love some feedback. I hope you enjoyed it. I certainly am excited to start to get more into this book. It's starting off slow as I say every time, but yeah. Thanks for the reads loves! I don't forget to comment and vote!

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