Part 5

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I walked into my house. I was home alone. Mom wasn't back from work yet. I walked up the stairs and to my room. Is it stupid for me to say I enjoyed today? Maybe even more than I have enjoyed anything in a while.

Don't get me wrong I love going over to Liam's or Niall's, but being with Louis was different. It felt good. Very comfortable. Which was weird, for me at least. It normally takes me months to feel that way, let alone trust someone. With Louis I felt like he would listen to my stupid life story because my mental state is a mess. He would help me if he really needed to. He would just look at me while I spoke and didn't interrupt. He just listened. It's good to have someone to listen to you. It lets things off your chest.

When my mom hears me say, "I thought about it again" she never listens to why I felt like that. She's always brings up therapy or something stupid like that. That makes me feel even worse. Helpless even.

I pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my numbers hoping that I had Louis'. Of course not, why would I? I wanted to thank him for going with me. I'll have to wait until I see him tomorrow. I laid back onto my bed and sighed. There goes my good mood. One thing happens and my whole day is ruined. One small thing.

I rolled over. I don't like being alone here. I want to hold onto someone, the right someone. My eyes felt watery. Which is stupid I can't cry over being alone. That's dumb. A tear rolled down my face.

"S-Stop crying Harry." I wipe my eyes.
"You are being so stupid. D-don't cry over this. You're so stupid and pathetic." I told myself. I started to sob.
"Nobody could ever want you. Don't even try t-to get someone." I curled into my knees. I tried to hold back tears, but they just kept coming. I'm so pathetic no one would want to deal with me.

My mess.

I continued to wipe my face as I sobbed. I walked into the bathroom. My face was puffy and red. I looked ugly. Really, really ugly. I have had so many mood swings today. I was feeling so good earlier. I wish I just could be happy all the time, then I wouldn't be alone. Someone would actually want me like I want them. I pushed my face into my hands and slowly fell down to my knees.

"Why am I like this?" I sobbed. "Why am I such a wreck?"


"Great practice boys! Go get some rest!" Coach yelled. We all nodded. Everyone ran back to their bags. I ran back to my car since I didn't have a bag and I left my water in the car. I sat down on the seat. Sweat was dripping from my fringe. I slicked it back hoping it was stop running down my face. I needed a shower. Badly. I started my car and turned the air on full blast. I started to drive home. I turned on the radio. Nothing good was playing. Well nothing good ever plays anyway, so I just roll down the window.

Soon I pull into my driveway. Everyone was home. Of course. I walked into the house. The twins came running for me.

"Louis!" They both jumped into my arms.

"Hi girls how was your day?"

"So good!" Phoebe said.

"Yeah we made cookies with mommy!" Daisy exclaimed. They both had bright smiles on their faces.

"Can I try one?" I asked. Their faces lit up.

"Yeah! Come on!" They led me into the kitchen.
About four trays lined the counters. Flour was all over the floor. Mom was sweeping it up.

"Hi hun!" She walked over and kissed my cheek.

"Hi mom. How was your day?"

"Good. How was yours?"

"It was really good."

"That's great sweetie!" She smiled. The twins handed me a plate of cookies.


"Try one." They said at the same time. Probably some twin telepathy things. I mean, with the things they do at the same time it has to be real.

I popped a cookie into my mouth. It was still warm. It tasted so, so good.

"They are awesome! Great job!"

"Thanks!" They giggled and ran back to the dining room table, where a few Barbie dolls were laid.

"Do you need help cleaning up mom?"

"Nope I'm Almost done."

"Okay. Uh where's Lottie and Fizz?"


"Oh okay."


"I was just going to go talk to them."

"Okay sweetie. Knock first."

"I always do." She smiled.

I walked up the staircase and down the hall to the last room which Lottie and Fizz shared. I went up to the door which they decided would be a good idea to put flowers around. I wasn't thrilled with it since my door was on the other side, but I guess it's their door. I quietly knocked on the wood.

"Louis, is that you?" Lottie said.


"Okay come in." I opened the door and they were sitting on the bed.

"Hey!" Fizzy said.

"Hi! You will never guess what happened today?"

"What Louis? Did something exciting actually happen to you?"

"Oh come on my life is not that boring."

"Sure." Fizzy said.

"Okay, so today I talked to Harry."

"Who's Harry?"

"My friend from when I was little. I know you don't know him really, but we haven't talked in years."

"That's good Louis. It's good to have more friends than just your soccer friends." Lottie said.

"Yeah, you're right," I paused, "I'm going to go back downstairs to eat more cookies I guess." I said as I got up from the end of the bed.

"Have fun getting a stomach ache." Lottie said. I just rolled my eyes.

I walked down the stairs and to the kitchen. The girls were still playing and my mom was sitting down reading. I grabbed a few cookies and took them back to my room.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my phone. Lots of texts.
Zayn- Hey!
Zayn- what are you doing?
Zayn- are you home?
Zayn- are you with Harry? ;)
Louis- no. I'm not with Harry lol I was talking to my sisters.
Zayn- oh
Louis- Yeah.
Zayn- Okay well I'm going to go eat then.
Louis- that's what I'm currently doing.
Zayn- what are you eating?
Louis- cookies
Zayn- yum
Louis- ;)

I put my phone on my nightstand and walked to the shower. Today was a really good day.

Hello!!!! How are you all doing? Good I hope! I know I'm doing pretty good. Umm so how was this part? I enjoyed coming up with it. Again please vote it would help so much. I would also appreciate if you could recommend my story! Let me know how it is!
Lots of love- C

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