Part 33

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"That was a great dinner Lou, thank you." I said holding Louis hand as we walked into my house. We were gonna go to his, but his sisters are home.

"You're welcome baby." He said. I unlocked the door and let us inside. We kicked off our shoes and I start to walk up the stairs. I looked behind me hoping Louis was following.

"Lou?" I called and walked back down the stairs. My arm was pulled to the side. Louis wrapped his arms around my back.

"I said I wanted a kiss. I always get what I want." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I smirked and nodded. I pressed him against the wall and began to kiss his lips.

I could feel him smiling. I lifted him up and wrapped his legs around my waist. I carried him up the steps. "You know I could have walked." He said sarcastically. "I know, but this is more fun." I said.

Louis pressed his lips against mine and began to pull my shirt off. I slipped my hands under his shirt and pulled it off. I ran my fingers down his bare chest. He looked up to me.

"Shower. Now." He said.

"Let's go." I said. I kept my body close to his. My arms reached down his back and he ran his figures through my hair. He moaned softly.

"One sec. I'll turn on the water." I said pulling away.

"You Okay Haz? I don't want to pressure you into anything."

"I want to do this."

"Okay." He smiled.

The water was on. The room became hot. We both pulled off our pants and stepped into the shower. Our bodies collided and I started to kiss his neck. I pressed my hands on his chest and he started to tilt his head back.

"Haz." He whispered. I continued to kiss him. Leaving my mark on his neck. "Oh-" I lifted his chin with my finger.

"Kiss me." I said practically throwing myself into him. I could fell his heartbeat. I felt his emotion. He kissed me more passionately. The hot water trickled down my back and dropped down my face.

"Lets-" I heard the front door open. "Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit." I said.

"Harry calm down."


"Harry, are you here?" My mom called from downstairs. I heard another voice with her. "Maybe they're still out."

"Damnit. My moms here too." Louis whispered.

"No, his cars here." My mom said. I heard her footsteps walking up.

"Be quiet okay. Don't let her know you are here. Especially with me, naked, in the shower." I mumbled. Louis covered his face trying not to laugh. I put my hand over his on his. "Just shhh."

"Harry honey are you okay?"

"Yeah mom, I'm fine." I said.

"Really fine." Louis whispered. He went to move and then, bang. He slipped.

"Damnit Louis." I whispered. "Shit."

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