Part 16

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*two weeks later*


Tomorrow was Monday, meaning I would have to go back to the dreaded place we call school. Today was not going to be left a boring day of course not. I had plans. Lovely plans.

I responded to my friends texts meaning lots of stuff from Zayn who always texts me when I'm asleep. Then I decide to give Harry a call.

"Hi Louis." Harry says yawing.
"You tired love?"
"Oh I'm sorry."
"It's okay at least I get to wake up and hear your voice." He said. My cheeks turned red. Even though he wasn't here. "You blushing?" He asked.
"How did you know?"
"Just did." He laughed.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner tonight?"
"Sure! Where?"
"The nice restaurant in town."
"I'd love too! Big occasion I should know about?"
"Nope. Just wear something nice."
"Of course I will."
"Can I pick you up at 6:30 Haz?"
"Yes! I'm excited we haven't gotten nice dinner."
"It will be really good."
"I'm trusting you."
"Okay love. Ill talk to you later. Bye Hazza."
"Bye boo!"

I walked downstairs into the kitchen where my mom was. She was making lunch, because it was noon. I walked over to her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Good morning mom."
"Good morning Lou m, good mood?"
"Yes very!" I responded taking a muffin from the basket.
"Good plans today eh?"
"Dinner with Harry."
"Aww you guys are lovely." She smiled.
"Thanks mom."

"So what's for lunch!" I asked.
"Mmmm. Where's the girls?"
"Fizz, phoebe, and daisy are upstairs and Lottie is at a friends."
"So what time are you leaving for dinner?" She asked as she put the pizza into the oven.
"I'm picking him up around 6:30."
"Okay, tonight is a school night. I expect you to be back by midnight."
"I will be mom."
"Good. Be careful too."
"I always am."
"I know just doing my part as a mom." She laughed a ruffled my hair. "I'm going to take a shower."
"Okay mom."

I walked over to the couch and turned on the tv. I flipped the channel and settled on 'Friends'. Harry always turns it on when we watch tv, so I figured I should try and get into it. At this point I have been watching it whenever I can. My phone buzzes next to me.

"Hey Louis Okay I'm sorry to bother you, but I need you to pick me up."
"Zayn whats wrong?"
"No time to explain. I'm at the gas station across the corner. Please hurry Lou."
"I'll be there." I shut my phone off and grabbed my keys.

"MOM IM GOING TO GET ZAYN!" I screamed and sprinted to my car. I turned on the ignition as quickly as I possibly could and then drove probably 10 Miles over the speed limit.

I crossed the bridge and made my way to the corner. Zayn was sitting on the sidewalk hands on his head. He walked over and got in the car.

"What happened?" I asked as shut the door.
"Some fucking idiot threatened me with a gun if I didn't give him my wallet."
"Why didn't you call the cops?"
"In the moment I didn't think about it."
"Oh my g- Okay whatever as long as your not hurt."
"Just flustered, but I'm fine. Didn't really have anything in my wallet, just a bit of cash."
"Where's your driver license?"
"Home, when I'm walking I never take that or my card."

"Thank you for picking me up."
"You're welcome. Next time maybe call the cops. Actually when you get into your house your moms going to force you to call them, so I won't have to worry about it."
"Yeah ," He got out, "thanks again lou, I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
"Bye." He walked to his house.

Well that was an eventful way to start off the day.


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