Part 17

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I looked into Louis eyes. I pressed my lips onto his. I let my hand slide into his hair and down his neck. He slid my tongue over my lips. He had his hands on my hips.

I pulled back and he started to kiss my jawline. He left his mark on my neck.

"Everyone will know you're mine." He said.

"They sure will, boyfriend." He laughed.

I laid my head onto his chest. He rubbed circles on my back.

"Do we have to go to school tomorrow lou?"

"Sadly yes."

"Can I just sleep here?" I asked.

"Yeah Of course."

"I'll text my mom."

Harry- Hey mom can I sleep at Louis' tonight?
Mom- Fine, you have to go to school tomorrow though.
Harry- I will, I promise.
Mom- be good, good choices baby.
Harry- Ok I will mom. I love you!
Mom- love you too. Xx

"She said yeah."

"Yay!" Louis said and wrapped his arms around me.

"Now are we going to watch the movie?" I asked.

"I would much rather kiss you for a little while." Louis said smirking.

"How funny, I would too."

I caressed Louis cheek and pressed my lips against his. It's almost like they were meant to be. Our lips aligned perfectly. His hands were on my back. I continued to move my lips against his.

After a few minutes of kissing we decided we should just watch the movie, but it didn't last long. Soon enough we were both asleep.


I woke up to the sound Louis' alarm buzzing next to my ear. He must have left his phone in the bed. I shut it off and turned so I was facing him.

"Louis, it's time to get up."

"Okay." He said and stretched his arms up. His hands scrunched into fists as he did.

"Come on." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of bed.

"Oh shoot Harry you don't have clothes to wear." He said.

"Well jeez now you're awake." I said sassily.

"Oh sorry." He walked over and got on his tip toes to kiss my cheek. I smiled.

"I'll just wear this shirt. Do you have some sweatpants?"

"Uh," Louis dug through a drawer in his dresser, "ah here, these are a little big on me."

"Thank you."

"Louis you take the bathroom I just have to put these pants on."

"Okay, my mom probably has breakfast done if you want to go down and get some."

"Oh okay."

"I'll be down soon."

I walked down the steps and into the kitchen. Jay was standing at the stove flipping pancakes, while the girls all sat at the table.

"Hi Harry." She said. The girls waved at me.

"Hi, good morning."

"Would you like pancakes?" She asked.


"How many?"

"Two please."

"Okie dokie." She said.

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