Part 23

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Once we got home Louis walked me to my bed.
"Baby." I said.


"I think I need to throw up."

His eyes went wide, "Wha- are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just everything's hitting now." I said running towards the bathroom. Louis followed quickly behind me.

"Shhh it's okay babes." He rubbed my back after I vomited.

"I'm sorry, sometimes I throw up when I'm stressed." I laughed.

"No reason to be sorry. How about you take a nice warm shower, it'll make you feel better."

"Okay, ill do that."

Louis turned away and started to walk down the hallway.


"Yeah?" He asked peaking into the bathroom.

"Do you, uh- umm want to, too?"

He stared at me. "Yeah." He breathed low as looked me in the eyes.

"Okay." I turned on the shower and began to take my shirt off, but before I could Louis crashes his lips to mine. He pushed me to the wall of the bathroom.

He pulled away and ran his hand over my jawline. Sending chills down my spine. He pulled my shirt off and ran his hand down my chest.

"You're beautiful." He said pushing back the hair that had fallen over my face.

"No I'm n-"

"No. You are. Now take my shirt off silly, I'm not showering with my clothes on." He giggled.

"Okay." I pulled it over his head causing his hair to fall over his forehead.

"Pants." I said.

We both slipped them off. I kept my eyes on his face, he kept his on mine. He grabbed my face and began to kiss me. His lips felt so good. I pulled him closer to me. Our chests touched each other's. He pulled me into the shower and began to kiss me more passionately.

I ran my hands down his back, up his neck, and into his now wet hair. I started to kiss his jawline down to his neck. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand. I just kept kissing him. It felt like a dream after a nightmare. You know when you wake up from a bad dream and lay down again and then have a perfect dream which makes everything better. Yeah. That's this.



He pulled back.



"I feel like I did something wrong today Haz. I should have held you more. I didn't even comfort you enough." He sniffled.

"Yes you did. I promise you did. I know, you were just as scared as I was and we're still scared now. But Can we- can we just pretend like we're living in a fairy tale where nothing can go wrong and everything that happens is perfect, because this feels perfect."

"Okay." He smiled.

After kissing for what seems like forever (in a good way, of course) Louis began to play around with my hair.

"It's just getting so long I want to braid it."

"You can if you want."

"I don't know if it's long enough yet, but I'll try."

"Okay, while you're at it wash it." I smiled.


"We are in the shower."

"Soo, it's a sexy shower." He smirked.

"Oh my- Louis. Just wash my damn hair."

"Okay." He giggled and kissed the back of my neck. He ran his fingers through my hair. While thoughts of Gemma ran through my head.

What if I get the call? What if she doesn't make it? What if she just never wakes up? I mean she has to wake up, right? The doctors said soon, but soon doesn't always mean soon. Soon can mean today, tomorrow, or next week.

"What cha' thinking 'bout Haz?"


"Baby I know. It'll be okay."

"I hope."

"I know so. Remember this is a perfect fairytale everything will be okay."

"Okay." I turned to face him. "I know you can't promise anything, but right now, you're not allowed to leave me. Just today that's all you have to promise. Tomorrow you can break a promise, but I need you to say it."

"Love, listen I know, I know it scares you, but baby, I'm not going to leave you. Not today not tomorrow, not ever. So I promise, but not just for tomorrow. Okay?"

"Mhmm." I pushed myself into his arms.

"Shhh I know. I know baby."

"You're the only thing making me Okay now lou. Thank god for you too, because I wouldn't have made it to see her if it weren't for you."

"You're welcome baby. How bout we go to bed. Does that sound okay?"

"Mhmm." I said, turning off the shower and getting out. I wrapped myself in a towel and look in the mirror. Louis walks up beside me.

"Love, it's okay. I know."

"I just- I just want her to be okay."

"I know baby. Me too."

"But what if she's not?"

"Honey we cant keep worrying, we just have to pray. We know she'll be alright. It's Gemma, she's tough."

"I know."

"Come on." He grabbed my hand and led me to my bedroom.

I walked over to my dresser, still wrapped in a towel, and grabbed a clean pair of boxers. I slipped them over my legs.

"Uh, I'm out of clean pairs, can I have a pair?"

"Sure." I said handing him a pair.

"I hope you don't mind."

"Babe, I just saw you naked, I don't care if you take my underwear." I said rolling my eyes and walking over to him.


"Here." I said holding them out to his hand.


"You're welcome."

I laid down on my bed. Louis came over and rubbed my shoulder.

"Let's go to bed baby. You're tired, I know you are."

"I know."

We both laid down on the pillows. "Do you think I should turn my ringer on? I think I should."

"If it makes you feel better then I guess."

"Okay. I'm going to."

Louis nodded his head and waited for me to lay down and then wrapped his arms around me.

"Do you think-"

"Love." Louis interrupted.

"I know."

"Okay, how about we don't think and we just fall asleep in each other's arms."

"That sounds nice."

"It does."

"Okay lets do that."

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said. Louis kissed my head.

HELLOO!!!! How are you alllll??? Sooo I'm so sorry I didn't upload this earlier I had to finish up homework earlier, but that's beyond the point.


I'm so sorry this was a short chapter. I really wanted to make it longer, but I think the next chapter will be. Please vote! Ily all!

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