01 - What Would You Want From Us As Compensation?

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My Engineer - Ram x King x Vera - The Perfect Fit - Part 01 - What Would You Want From Us As Compensation?

"Nooonnngggg Verraaaaaa!!!" King excitedly waved down his code line junior and speedily bounced over, silky ebony hair tossed up and down in the wind, unbuttoned royal blue uniform flowed around his slender body. Excitement written all over his pink-tinged face as he ran towards the handsome junior who shares his love and appreciation for furry yellow electric puff balls. He wants to show the fellow gamer whom he had just met a few days ago the rare Pokémon he had just hatched, his very own Shiny Party Hat Pichu!

Almost there!

"Aahhhhh!" Just as King was about to reach his destination, he clumsily tripped over untied shoelaces, the books and papers in his arms flew into the air as he soared face-first into a herculean chest. Sturdy arms wrapped around his waist to prevent him from squishing in any further.

A pout immediately appeared, the sour feeling of unexpected pain, eyes stung as he fought back tears, "Oww..." He rubbed his nose and internally complained about the hard human brick wall he just ran his perfect face into and murmured, "At least it wasn't really a brick wall...and I didn't drop my phone..."

King steadied himself and looked up, his embarrassing almost-fall forgotten as he did a double-take, eyes rapidly blinked, "Oii! When did you get this tattoo?! Is it real?!" Delicate fingers reached for the dream catcher on his savior's neck, intricate design, defined lines, graceful feathers, "So cool! But I just saw you yesterday...it must be temporary, right?!"

"You have the wron..." Before he was able to finish his sentence, skin met skin. The startled, slightly taller male let go and backed away as he stared at the too-friendly P' in front of him; no sense of personal space, very touchy but absolutely stunning.

King thought it was kind of weird that Vera pulled away but it didn't deter him, he launched forward. It made the inked-up lad retreat into an actual brick wall, "What are you doing? Come on, don't be stingy, promise I won't rub it off."

King tried touching the same spot but was only given the other side of the neck, nothing interesting there so he reached for a different spot, the fierce wolf on the younger's right arm, "This one looks so real too! Are they the printable ones? Make one for me too! Tomorrow, na, na, na!" With absolutely no sense of boundaries or decency, he traced it up and down the reluctant party's forearm until goosebumps formed.

King didn't stop until his wrist was roughly caught, "Hey! What gives! That hurts!" He tilted his head and surprised eyes locked with blue speckled, light hazel ones, the sparkling irises mesmerized him, heat spread from where he was held as a shiver ran up his body.

He couldn't look away...

He wanted to get closer...

And so, he did.

Inching, little by little..."Vera...your eyes are so pretty..."

With slight disappointment in his voice, "Vera...I'm not Ve..." but he couldn't finish his sentence as his breath was caught in his throat.

Lashes fluttered...



A little more...

Until an anxious voice calling his name broke the trance, "P'King!"

Feet flattened, King turned his head, he thought he was in the twilight zone, "Vera?"

He looked straight at the one holding onto his wrist, then left at Vera, "But if you're over there...then..."

He shook his head, rapidly looked straight and turned left again, eyes widened, "Two?!"

Once the realization hit, King's mind turned down a much less walked path, "Ohhh, how unfair! So, you two are the mixed foreigner twins from Australia, the whole university's been talking about you guys!"

King directed a whine at Vera, "Why didn't you tell me? I had thought it was you at first but then they said twins and you didn't mention anything about having a brother or a doppelganger!"

He faked cried and wiped an imaginary tear with his free hand, "One of you is enough to steal everyone's heart, with two of you...and identical twins...my title as The Most Beautiful King of the Engineering Department is really going to be taken! You two are going to have to compensate me if that happens!"

Without missing a beat Vera held onto King's chin and with a sultry look he gently whispered, "P'King, don't worry, you're always going to be the most beautiful."

He smirked and added a wink, "But, I'm curious, what would you want from us as compensation?"

That tone, sly grin and suggestive aura, King couldn't help but blush, so many have told him he's beautiful but this flirty N' telling him that, it's somehow different. The butterflies in his stomach won't give it a rest even though he's sure Vera probably shamelessly hits on everyone because foreigners are less reserved about things like that, at least the ones he's met.

His heart rate increased a bit more as he realized his wrist was still held by one and chin by the other...

Did he just jump into a volcano?

Why is he burning up?

"I... ... ..." King couldn't answer, his processors stopped working, overheated, someone, save him from these two!

Vera didn't want to push it too far and scare King, so he took his hand back and turned towards his mirror image, "Ram, let P'King go, you're going to bruise P' if you hold on any longer."

Unfrozen from the spot, Ram immediately let go. While the two conversed he had forgotten he still had the touchy, adorable, bunny-like senior's wrist in his grip. When their eyes met, he had been sent to a different world. A feeling that he's never had before, overwhelmed and awestricken, stunned by how gorgeous his features are.

The man in front of him is too beautiful...


Heavenly immortal...

Sinfully good looking to be real...

He looked at his younger brother by two minutes, a million questions flowed in his mind, he wants to know exactly who the beauty in front of him is and why they seemed so close.

Is he that senior?

Who Vera's been talking about non-stop?

The name matches...

The one who he must also meet?

The one who he wants for them to...to...be with...together...?

Their perfect fit?

The world stopped, the brothers stared a each other as King took in both of their features, waiting for someone to make a move.

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