03 - It's Too Lonely To Walk Through Life Without Love

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My Engineer - Ram x King x Vera - The Perfect Fit - Part 03 - It's Too Lonely To Walk Through Life Without Love

Rethink his answer?

Ram didn't know what to think!

He figured his brother was joking or maybe had hit his head on a rock when he first approached him with the idea of dating the same person. That's sharing a guy, which is absolutely crazy! Yet, somehow Vera was able to make it sound so textbook normal and reasonable.

He never thought he would entertain something so immoral but now, he's not so sure. He still needs more time to sort it all out, though, if it's P'King, maybe Vera's idea isn't all that ridiculous?

Any normal person would be curious as to how Vera came up with such a hedonistic and sinful proposition, it's a simple question with a not so simple answer; Rome wasn't built in a day.

They started dating young, 14 years old, have had so many boyfriends and girlfriends and flings, that neither can remember all of their exes' names anymore, yet, they have never experienced that one of a kind true love.

Someone to call their own, who made them want to work hard, miss them when apart, want to spend every waking minute with and even when they're sleeping, meet in the dream realm.

Were there any particular reasons as to why? There are too many to list.

People, in general, were attracted to them, being mixed twins, handsome, smart, rich and athletic, they were as popular as can be. Though, most who approached had a perceived image of who they are and never took the time to get to know the real Ram and Vera.

It was always the same old boring story.

The first thing they would do is bring them around to their friends, to introduce and show them off. No one actually cared about being with them, they just wanted to be on their arms. Parade them around to let others know. They were treated as trophies.

It was all about physical appearances and fantasized personalities; which were deceiving. Build, eyes, hair, they judged them based on their physical traits. Vera, shiny and bright on the outside, everyone thought he's nice, soft and caring but no one knew the guy underneath, who is as crafty as a fox, sinister as all hell, rough, unrelenting and demanding; the all or nothing type. Ram, even without his tattoos, always had a cool and cold exterior, scary was another word often used, yet, no one took the time to get to know the big softie at heart, the compromising, sweet, tender and always giving side.

Their personalities are polar opposites, to each other and their appearances. Their exes always gravitated towards one in the beginning due to the stereotypical misconceptions then when they find out the small bits and pieces, would try to change their orbit. It kept on happening, time after time. It got to the point where they gave up and even said, "Fine, go to him," though fortunately or unfortunately, neither ever liked each other's partners so they never dated each other's exes.

They were tired of having to go through it, again and again, so they tested out dating twins and the same things happened...

No matter what, it seems neither can emotionally please their partners. Although, it's not that they ever really put any effort into trying to make those relationships work either, no one made them want to go through the trouble.

The few who they kept a relationship with for over than a month got to know more about the real Ram and Vera but immediately wanted to change them. The twins reasoned, what is the point in dating people who do not like them for who they are? So those also turned into disaster cases and break-ups.

The worst ones tried to come between the brothers. The twins wondered where those people found the courage to even think of something so stupid, the ultimatum of choosing one, them or the other brother. Similar to the, "If your mom and I fell into the water at the same time, who would you save first?" question. Listen, it's always going to be mom, don't bother with that question. It was always laughable, of course, Ram and Vera always chose each other. Why those people would actually think the twins would do otherwise is a mystery.

Ram and Vera love each other. When their parents divorced, they only had each other, through thick and thin and to rely on, it was always and only them. While most siblings fought like cats and dogs, they got along well and complemented each other. Their personalities are like yin and yang but they like the same things, games, boxing, comics, anime, nature, trips, cooking, animals and everything together. Always and forever, they were and still are each other's best partner.

By high school graduation, it got tiring, one after another, it got to the point where they wanted to call it quits at the tender age of 18.

That was when Vera came up with the drastic idea.

Might as well try something different since the old ways weren't bearing fruits.

It's too lonely to walk through life without love, they're young, in another country, new school, no parents, living in a huge condo, why not?

The plan?

They will find the right one, the perfect fit and ask him out. If the said person agrees, they'll do things as normally as they can, go on dates, have fun and do all the things normal couples do; except with three people.

And if that all works out, take it to the next step, the physical part. For that, they'll play it by ear, after all, while sex isn't something new to them individually, they've never flagrantly seen each other going at it with their exes.

Vera figured it would be quite easy to find someone to agree, after all, who could resist him? Tack on Ram, it's game over for whoever they decide on! The hard part was getting Ram to nod his head. But when Vera first saw King, he knew, with that face, there is no way Ram would reject him. And it was fate, before he even introduced them, King already threw himself at Ram! And the way Ram looked at King just before, definitely confirmed, he's already smitten.

Besides being beautiful, King is cute, friendly and likes most of the things they do, he's flawless and ideal. Even if he turns out not to be, they would have tried and will at least be one step closer to finding true happiness.

Vera pleaded with his older twin, words like honey and the kiddy whine he always uses when he wants something from the stoic elder, "Ram, Big Bro? Come on, just agree."

He put his arms on Ram's shoulder and righteously questioned, "Have I ever steered you down the wrong path?"

Ram gave the rascal a most cynical look and thought back on all the times that Vera got him into trouble...actually...every time he was in any sort of detrimental predicament...it was because of him..."Nothing good happens when you call me that...Just give me a few more days!"

He shook off the arm around him, "But even if I agree, how do you know P'King will?" He was apprehensive yet intrigued. The thought of them with the beauty, desires he's never experienced before flared, a strong craving, hunger...He doesn't even know this random guy who chased him down and started wantonly touching him yet he already wants to own him, in ways unmentionable...

He's never believed in love or lust at first sight, until now.

Vera flexed a bicep, "Big Bro, it's me, come on. Who can resist Vera?" Being as cocky as always, that arrogant smirk appeared, "A month, in a month, he'll be ours, just agree and it's a done deal."

Ram felt like an ass, he is going to corrupt someone who he shouldn't but he undeniably wants to try it. Maybe they will all be happy, who's to say King won't like it? "I..." He audibly sighed, "A few more days, just let me think this through," as he walked away from his convincing twin.

"Hmm...Okay..." While Vera verbally agreed to give him time to think about it, he already knew the answer, Ram was going to say yes. If he had really wanted to reject him, he would have adamantly turned him down. He just has to work him a little, it won't take a few days, he'll agree by dinner time!

Besides, he already has plans for who they're going to eat dinner with and the perfect place.

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