15 - First Real Date

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My Engineer - Ram x King x Vera - The Perfect Fit - Part 15 - First Real Date

By the time the three studiously walked to school half the day had passed, they should have rushed to class but Vera wanted to strike while the iron is still hot and set up the first date. They said they'll take it slow and give the bunny as much time as he needs but that doesn't mean they can't spend some quality time together, "P'King, after classes, want to go watch a movie?"

Great minds think alike, Ram sweetened the pot and made an offer that one cannot refuse, "After, we can make you dinner again."

King's instinctive reaction was to nod, first date and dinner! But his rational side told him he should think about it first. The question and offer, if he agrees, that means cooking at his place so he'll have to let them back into his condo...what if they end up staying over again!

AC is still broken...they'll have to sleep in his room and...on the same bed...

What if...they...want to...do this...and...that...to him...like before?

They promised they will only do it if he wants it...but...that's precisely the problem...he can't stop thinking about it! He cannot keep himself in check.

The Beauty's face turned bright red, "Uhh..." His tinged cheeks gave away his indecent thoughts.

Ram gave a rare and seductive knowing smile, they haven't even said anything improper and their P' is already crimson, "We said we'll wait, go slow. We won't stay over if you don't want us to."

This time, Vera nudged Ram and gave him the "what-the-fuck-are-you-saying" look, they said they won't do anything out of line but while they wait, they can at least, innocently, spend the night in each other's embraces. And, maybe, steal a few kisses along the way.

Big Bro gave Vera a reassuring nod of his head. "It's just a movie and dinner, we won't do anything more...unless P'King...wants...us...to...do..."

Ram didn't get to finish his deliberately delayed sentence as the dirty-minded one didn't want him to guess any further, he knows he's blushing, they can probably tell what he's thinking! "Mmm, meet after classes!" King tried to run off as fast as he could but his wrists were grabbed, "What...?" The twins, each kissed a cheek, their now signature move reserved for King.

The Beauty melted as it made him think of what happened earlier.

The older, cool as a cucumber, walked off, "See you after classes."

The younger, foxily, followed up with a wink, "We'll miss you."

King forgot about running to class, how could he when he had already turned into jelly.

While the two walked to class, Ram purchased advance tickets to the scariest movie he could find. He had given his Lil Bro the "do-not-worry" look before because once Vera asked King, a plan was already formed. They said they will respect his wishes but didn't say they won't try to spend every waking and sleeping minute with him.

Ram was quite sure it'll work as his exes used to do things like that all the time. Pick the goriest or scariest movie, pretend to be scared and jump into his embrace. Some even made him stay at their place because it's "too scary to be alone." He used to find it annoying and stupid but the thought of it being their adorable bunny, he couldn't wait.

Would he squirm and hold their hands during a gory scene?

Or hug onto their arms when there's a scary scene?

That mind of his kept going, afterwards, they'll cook and play some games.

They'll scare him a little more and he'll hug onto to them begging them not to leave thus asking them to stay over. If they're lucky, maybe he can scare King into taking a shower with them. If not, since the AC is still broken, they'll at least get to share their P'King's bed again and hug him to sleep.

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