02 - You Know, We're Very Naughty

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My Engineer - Ram x King x Vera - The Perfect Fit - Part 02 - You Know, We're Very Naughty

Being the only one with a clear goal in mind, Vera unstopped time, he winked at his brother and silently mouthed, "He's the one," before verbally introducing them, "Ram, this is P'King, the senior I told you about, The Most Beautiful King of the Engineering Department."

Ram politely greeted King with a wai but was too mesmerized to say anything else.

He is that senior...

He couldn't stop staring, that title fits him well, if he's a character in an anime, cherry blossoms would rain down for no apparent reason every time he appears in a scene.

Vera was quite pleased with himself as he knew Ram was already hooked. He turned to the pretty one and gave his signature flirtatious smile, "P'King, the other day I had mentioned there is someone very important in my life who I'd like you to meet, the one who won't stop staring at you, Ram, my twin 'older' brother by two minutes." He smacked Ram on the back, "Don't worry, he looks like a delinquent but he's not, he's only scary looking on the outside. Once you get to know him, I'm sure you'll love him. Hmm...but don't love him more than me or I'll be jealous!" A hand went to his own chin and rubbed, "But you can love us equally, that I can accept."

King coughed and furiously blushed some more.


Even worse than his friends!

He had to stop being so affected!

To show his senior authoritative side he puffed out his chest and put on a macho stance, "You brat! What are you talking about? As your P', I'll lov...uh...wait...ahem...no...I'll take care of you both the same way..." He murmured under his breath, "First...teach you what humility is...and then decency..."

Vera internally sinisterly chuckled, see who will take care of who.

Externally, he also couldn't turn down the chance to tease anyone, especially not King, as ever since their first meeting he had decided, he's the one.

He's going to be theirs.

No matter what!

Eyebrows raised then lowered, "How are you going to take care of your brats? You know, we're very naughty. Maybe, punishments? Would P'," he gave a slight pause, "Want to spank us?"

He drew closer and huskily whispered into King's ear, just loud enough so that Ram hears it too, "P', we like it rough."

Ram was in disbelief, he knew Vera has no filter but didn't know his brother could be so open about the whole "we" thing...And he made it sound like they walk around offering people the chance to roughly spank them. Who would be able to answer something like that but what can he do, he was too stunned, by King just standing there and Vera's lack of modesty.

King, like the quiet twin, was at a loss, of course, he didn't know how to respond to something like that, he never had to. Normally, his buddies are always around and if anyone had the guts to say something like that, a fist would have been the answer.

"Uh... ... ..." Luckily or unluckily, the wind deity was on his side, a strong gust blew, the papers all over the floor whirled. King immediately got an excuse to ignore the overtly assertive player's questions and statement, "Go help pick up my books and papers before they fly away!"

One of them was thankful, two were relieved and the three frantically went around retrieving as much as they could.

While King collected, he stole glances at the twins, it's going to be an interesting year with them around. Vera, sweet, bright and sunny on the outside but definitely calculating, cunning and sly inside, also, the biggest flirt he's seen in his entire life. A playboy version of Prince Charming.

Ram, cold and quiet on the outside, stoic is the best word to describe him, deserving of the title Ice Prince. Though, probably warm when in private, likely a gentle giant who is commonly misunderstood. And while Vera said Ram is scary looking, he didn't think so, contrary to the general stereotype, in his mind, he looks rather intriguing, different than most of the other students.

It took them a decent amount of time to chase down every single last piece, by the time they were done King realized he was going to be late for class. He gathered everything back from the brothers and warned Prince Charming, "I'm going to class, remember, don't go around flirting with everyone, if you get into a fight, I won't help you!" Then turned to the Ice Prince, like a responsible adult, he lectured, "Don't let him get you into a fight."

Ram obediently nodded but Vera didn't want to let King go just yet as his male competitive and narcissistic side didn't want to let the beauty think they're weak. How could he ever think anyone could beat them up? He pities the poor soul who'd ever go up against two ex-pro-boxers, "P', don't worry, it won't be us going to the ER if there is ever anyone stupid enough to come at us."

He closed in on King, "Besides, P's the only one who we want to flirt with so unless P' has a boyfriend, I think we're safe."

King's face went from pink to red.

The twins noticed and took it in, too cute, definitely better to think of that face in class than the notes on the board.

Vera nudged Ram who was still lost in his own little world, "Say something..." Again, speechless, he's not quite used to the adorable reactions yet, when King's blush stepped it up a notch, a lump got caught in his throat.

King didn't know what to do either, in all his years, he's never been so blatantly flirted with. No one dared, his friends never let anyone near him. His face is so hot, blood had rushed and won't cede, he was tongue-tied...and the brat kept on saying we...

Does he know what he's saying?

Maybe he's thinking into it too much?

But who talks like that!

Never had he been so turned on by a single sentence!

The thought of the both of them, with him in the middle...his head almost exploded as AV scenes with the actors replaced by himself and the twins forcefully pushed its way into his thought process and played.

What the hell is wrong with him!

He vowed to never ever watch porn with the guys again!

He couldn't take it anymore, he needed to leave before these male embodiments of pheromone emitting gods suffocate him! To think, this is only Vera flirting, if Ram does it too, he might as well give up, strip on the spot and say, "Take me."

He needed to get away, ASAP!

"I...I'm going to class..."

The moment King ran away Vera arrogantly cocked his head towards Ram, "So? Do you want to rethink your answer?"

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