29 - I'm Going To Australia!

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My Engineer - Ram x King x Vera - The Perfect Fit - Part 29 - I'm Going To Australia!

That night, King reluctantly went with the gang plus Duen to Club Luna. He didn't want to be there and be the 5th wheel but couldn't refuse P'Nan as she is the greatest P' anyone could ask for.

After greeting the owner and congratulating her, they were provided with the best VIP table in the club and a free bottle of premium liquor.

The gang comfortably settled in as they watch the customers trickle in and occupy the seats and dance floor. They leisurely drank, except for Duen as he can't handle alcohol, and chatted asking one another what they had done over the past week.

King acted like he was fine, like his former self, all smiles, hence after a few shots they completely forgot that they were supposed to help cheer him up.

As the music hyped, the Quiet Husband and Cheeky Wife went on the dance floor and immersed themselves in the beat. The happy couple ground on and groped each other like no one else in the world existed. Preoccupied by each other, it wasn't long before they sweetly made-out in the middle of the club.

King felt envious, him and his twins had never blatantly kissed in front of so many people. Though he wished they could, he can never brazenly do the same as his friends. It's too much to show such public affections.

He bitterly took two shots.

Bon and Duen accompanied The Beauty until the kitty unintentionally got drunk...

At first Duen didn't drink because he cannot handle his liquor but after an hour, seeing the others down the little glasses like water, he figured one shot won't hurt.

How wrong the kitty was, 1.5 oz and he was inebriated.

It didn't take long for the alcohol to take effect and once it did, The Brick hugged onto The Brawn's leg and wouldn't let go. Each time Bon tried to get Duen to behave the kitty tried to take his pants off. Bon got hard and went soft at the same time and had to take his precious home.

The scene made King frantically down more shots.

He wondered if he was drunk, would his twins suddenly show up and carry him home...like in all the TV series?

King knew his friends had wanted to cheer him up but in the end, left him to his lonesome to drown in his sorrows.

Insecurity gets the best of men, especially ones in love.

He downed one after another...

He's unhappy...

He's scared...

He's been abandoned!!!

He only wants to be in his twins' arms!!!

So they could comfort him and tell him everything's going to be alright...

That they're there for him...

That they'll never leave him...

He wants to forget everything that's happened the past week and go back to before!!!

In his drunken state, King decided and shouted to those on the dance floor, "I'm going to Australia!"

He will get his twins back!

The drunk bunny staggered onto the dance floor in search of the exit...

Everything spun...

The music, it's too loud...

His head feels like it weighs too much...

The Beauty pushed past person after person but could not get out of the imaginary maze, how come everyone is in his way to see his twins?

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