16 - Stop Us If You Don't Want This

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My Engineer - Ram x King x Vera - The Perfect Fit - Part 16 - Stop Us If You Don't Want This

The twins stopped what they were doing and looked at their P'King, standing straight with his chest puffed out. So adorable that they almost melted as they patiently waited.

"I...uh...can..." King wimped out.

The Beauty breathed in and out again then shyly lowered his head, "Can..." He didn't understand why it was so difficult to ask...

He shouldn't just ask...he should give them a reason first, in a barely audible voice, "The scary...movie..."

He looked back up and puffed his cheeks out, "I'm sca..." but he doesn't want to tell them that!

A cute little pout appeared, "Stay ov...?"

Vera couldn't take the bunny's fidgety cuteness anymore, it was killing him, he wanted to run over and put him in his pocket, hide him from the world and protect him forever and ever!

He went over, nuzzled into King's chest then pretended to be pitiful, "P'King, it's been such a long day!" He let their senior save some face and rubbed his into King a bit more, "Our condo is so far, it'll take too long to go back." The finale, he backed up a little then gave King his saddest puppy eyes, "Can we stay over?"

King didn't need the killing shot, he sighed a breath of relief and happily nodded.

"P'King's the best!" Vera chuckled, helped the bunny, got to hug him, and get to stay over, three birds with one stone.

Ram could not believe he thought of a scary movie instead of the most useful offense they have, Vera. His whining and sad face is the best weapon, it works on everyone. All they needed to do was have him ask, no plan was needed! Now that he has time to think about it some more, he and Vera are definitely twins, sometimes so smart, other times, so damn dumb.

He was then a little regretful that he thought of such a stupid way to try to trick King into letting them sleep over.

Although, the thought of making the bunny afraid and then jumping into their arms still floated around in his mind...

After dinner and clearing off the table, King went to his room to grab clothes for the twins while they did the dishes.

Lil Bro is always up to no good, Vera nudged Ram, "How about sauna and a shower? That bathroom is so big, it's wasteful to not put it to good use." A lecherous smile appeared on his face as he thought about the many ways they could maximally utilize the space.

Ram thought about it for a second, "We said we won't do anything he doesn't want."

The schemer shook his head, "We're dating, it's normal, isn't it? It's just a shower...It's not like we're going to do anything to him."

Ram looked back at their dating history, it is kind of normal and it's sort of not. Can't really compare. They never had to ask for permission as they didn't have to make the first moves. Showering together, their exes just followed them in..."I guess it is but we're the ones who'll suffer..." Ram was more worried that it's going to be torture for them, seeing their beauty in a little towel...then naked...and not being able to do everything that they want. Why does Vera want to torture them like that?

Vera didn't think about the strain it'll have, he just wanted to see the bunny in all his glory, "We'll be fine, this is how we will show P'King that we can behave. Have a little faith."

"That's true..." Though the thoughts of the soft body and milky skin rushed into Ram's head.

"This will teach us how to be patient!"

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