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My first impression of Hell High was...normal. It looked like any other school a teen was forced to spend four (sometimes more) years at. Well, except for the fact that the students were clearly demons. 

  Groaning, I made way inside, being sure to avoid making eye contact with anyone in a hundred-foot radius. Inside, students milled about, talking with each other and comparing schedules. In one corner sat who I assumed was a teacher handing out said schedules. 

I got my own schedule and groaned when I saw my first class was math. Go figure. Math at eight in the morning. What else could I expect from a high school in Hell?

I wandered down the hall to the locker that matched the number on my schedule, locker 710. I was so engrossed with my paper, I didn't see the person I ran into until I smacked right into them.

"Oh, fuck! Sorry," I said, pulling the earbud out of my ear as I looked up. Oh, fuck indeed. The biggest brute I had ever seen turned with a growl. I swear, he could have played defense on a professional football team.

"Watch it, fucking freak." He growled, balling his fist up as though he was about to hit me. 

I was about to make a run for it when I felt a hand grip my shoulder. I turned my head to see a lanky spider demon with an unamused expression say, "Fuck off, Quentin. We all know you suck dick for fun."

The brute struggled to come back with some sort of comment before muttering profanities and storming off. 

"Don't mind him, doll," The spider demon grinned down at me, "Just stick with me."

Hell High | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now