What the Hell?

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Angel and Cherri were waiting for me outside the entrance to the gym, where loud music was pulsing inside. Linking his arm through mine, Angel pulled me towards the open door with a wink, "Come on, no one in here will bite."

"Jeremy might." Cherri snickered from my other side, "He was in detention for it last week."

Kesha's 'Die Young' drowned out any further conversation. Looking around, I could only assume every single demon in the school was here. I let Angel and Cherri drag me over to a  table in the back corner of the room. 

As soon as he looked around to make sure no one was watching, Angel pulled a small flask out of his clutch purse. Waggling in front of my face, he taunted, "See? Told you I'd bring it."

Snatching it from him, I retorted, "Thanks Angel, but what will you drink?"

Angel laughed, taking back the flask and unscrewed the top, "You're funny. Tell another joke."

We laughed and talked trash about what the other students were wearing while we passed the flask back and forth. To be honest, it was the most fun I had ever had at a dance. As I took a swig from the flask, I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

I spun around to see Alastor standing there, an amused look on his face, "I was going to see if you..."

"Alastor! There you are!" A perky little blonde-haired demon appeared from seemingly nowhere and grabbed his arm. Alastor looked at her surprised as I recognized her from the theater group that was always around him.

"Billy and Markcus are waiting," She said in her high voice, "They want you to show them that thing you were telling them about at lunch." 

She threw us a smirk as if to emphasize how far out of the group we were. Alastor looked between the perky demon and me for a moment before giving me an apologetic look.

"I'll come find you in a bit," He said as the demon drug him away into the crowd.

Angel, Cherri, and I watched him go. After a moment of music filled silence, Cherri snorted, "I don't get why she acts so high and mighty. She forgot her lines last year during a performance of Annie and ran off the stage crying."

I nodded, pretending to be listening, but really I was just wondering what the hell had just happened.

Hell High | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now