The Real Version

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I turned to find Alastor grinning at me and I gave him a shy smile of my own. Leaning against the locker next to mine, he said, "I've been hearing a very interesting story about you and Cassy all morning. But I wanted to hear the real version from you."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "How do you know my version is the true one?"

Alastor shrugged in reply, "Cassy has a tendency to be dramatic."

Sighing, I nodded and told him everything that had happened, including the bit about allowing Angel to release the video on the internet. I honestly thought Alastor would turn around and walk away, but he just listened. 

"It sounds like self-defense to me," He shrugged when I was finished, "And a dose of well-deserved karma."

Relief flooded through me. I couldn't believe he was taking my side after knowing Cassy longer. Shutting my locker, I turned to tell Alastor I needed to head to class, but he said, "Do you want to catch a movie tonight?"

"A movie?" I parroted like an idiot. Alastor gave me that adorable smile of his and nodded. 

"That sounds nice," I finally said, blushing. 

"Perfect," Alastor replied, "I'll pick you up at seven." 

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