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My last class of the day was an independent music course. As it turned out, music was pretty prevalent here in Hell. I had always enjoyed the music courses while in high school on Earth, but this one was by far my favorite. Instead of trying to play hot cross buns on a recorder, we were left to independently study whatever instrument we wanted. 

I chose the guitar. It was my guilty pleasure on Earth. My best friend from middle school had rolled her eyes and proclaimed that I might as well start wearing bell bottoms and convert to veganism since only hippies played guitar. Needless to say, that was the end of that friendship.

Sitting in a corner of the room away from everyone else, I strummed a few cords, letting the familiar feeling give me a sense of purpose. Falling into a tune, I began to sing along, 

"I'm feeling scorned

Fires from Hell
You say you're god man
So what I'm the devil herselfAlpha playing beta not to upset your ego
Kept inside a cage because the power too real
Tried to tell me that I'm nothing and to know my worth
Well big bad daddy I'm wolf yeaSo pleased to meet you
Now you know my name
Mother destroyer ya one and the same
Mr preacher time to give up the throne
I'm the master now damn it's good to be home
Just call me alpha."

"That's quite a voice you have." Someone said. I looked up to see the red haired demon Angel had pointed out as Alastor during lunch. I waited a moment to see if he was going to follow up that comment with an insult, but instead he took a seat beside me on the floor. 

"Thanks," I finally replied, plucking a few chords. 

Alastor watched me, his eyes on my fingers as they moved over the strings. Finally, he asked, "So what else can you play?"

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