All Hell Breaks Loose At Hellbucks

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As soon as Alastor had left, I texted Angel to meet me at Hellbucks the next morning. The promise of sweet coffee and a cake pop was enough to get him to agree to get up early. Dressed in a sweater and leggings, I threw my hair up in a bun and left to go tell my friend the latest details.

"So dish," Angel said, sipping his pumpkin spice latte. And dish I did. I told him everything that had happened when Alastor came over, sparing no juicy detail. 

"So long story short, he wants to take you on a date," He smiled, licking some whipped cream from his finger. 

I nodded, opening my mouth to say something but was cut off by a girlish scream/laugh. Angel and I turned to find Cassy and two of her tagalongs chattering to each other in that way valley girls talk when they want someone to pay attention to them. 

Rolling my eyes, I started to say something again, but Cassy and her friends were singing to a phone camera making some sort of video for social media. 

"The hell are they even singing?" I snorted, sipping my caramel macchiato. 

"It's that Cardi B song," Angel replied, "You know that one where she talks about a wet ass..."

I held up my hand, "Thots are singing their anthem. Got it."

"I don't cook, I don't clean..." Cassy and her friends sang off-key and loudly like they were trying to get everyone to look at them.

I was so sick of their crap. First her stunt with Alastor in the lunchroom and now this. Who the hell did she think she was?

"Sounds like a self-lubricating sex doll that won't shut the fuck up." I retorted, loudly enough I knew they would be able to hear it.

"Excuse you?" Cassy's head whirled around, "What the hell did you just say?"

"Oh sorry," I said insincerely as I turned to face her, "You see, I had to speak a little louder for Angel to hear me because there was a god awful noise drowning out the conversation."

"Oh shit," Angel swore behind me, pulling out his phone to catch the fight that was bound to happen.

Hell High | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now