That's Enough

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Alastor met me at my locker Monday morning before class. With everything that had happened over the weekend, it seemed like everyone was watching us. Angel's video seemed to have circled around the school multiple times, making sure everyone saw what really had happened between Cassy and I. 

"Ignore them," Alastor said softly, taking my hand and leaning over to kiss my cheek. As sweet as the gesture was and no matter how nice it felt, I knew there would be a new tidbit of gossip spread all over the school by the end of the day.

"You. Fucking. Bitch!" Cassy's shrill voice screeched at me from several lockers down. I turned to see the blonde Barbie-like demon storming towards me. I braced myself for another brawl, but Alastor intervened stepping between us. 

"That's enough," My boyfriend said in a low, menacing tone. Cassy stopped short, glaring around Alastor at me.

"I don't know what she's told you but..." Cassy started. 

"But I know what really happened," Alastor interupted her, holding up a hand, "And you need to turn around and walk away."

Cassy's face went through about a thousand emotions in about three seconds before turning around and storming off in a huff. 

"You know she's a pathological liar." I warned, getting a bad feeling deep in my gut.

Hell High | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now