The Best Years

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Here's the funny thing about high school in Hell. It's a lot like high school on Earth. The drama, the cliques, the boring early morning math was all damn near identical. However, I had a couple of things in Hell that I hadn't had on Earth.

Alastor was the best boyfriend I could ask for. I had dated a couple of sweet guys while living, but none of them held a candle to Alastor. Sweet, funny, and caring, he was the complete package when it came to boyfriends. 

Angel and Cherri were my best friends and an amazing support system. There was something about putting an obnoxious bully in her place that brought people together. And to be honest, if I was going to put a Karen level bitch in her place, I wouldn't do it with anyone else. 

I used to wonder why people thought high school was the best four years of their life when I was alive. High School above ground had been a miserable prison sentence for me that I had almost escaped. However, Hell High was surprisingly the exact opposite due to the single fact that I had my friends beside me every step of the way. 

Maybe someday I could look at my Hell High yearbook and remember these as the best four years of my afterlife. 

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