The Next Morning

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I woke up alone the next morning. Confused, I looked around the room. When we had fallen asleep last night, Alastor had been right beside me. But now he was nowhere to be found. 

I went to grab my phone, but there was a sheet of paper on top of it. Picking it up, I read:


Gone out to get coffee. Be back soon.


Well, that explained it. My insecurity melted away and I sighed in relief. Leaning back on my pillows, I stared at the wall and replayed every inch of last night in my mind. Curled up in a nest of blankets, I waited for Alastor to come back. 

Alastor brought me a peppermint white chocolate mocha from Hell Bucks right down the street. Gratefully accepting the delicious drink, I watched as he sat on the edge of the bed with his own coffee. 

"How many people do you think are hungover this morning?" I asked, sipping my mocha.

Alastor grinned, "Probably just as many as those who woke up in the wrong bed."

"You included," I added with a grin of my own. Alastor leaned over and kissed me softly.

We sipped our coffee in comfortable silence for a long moment before I asked, "Hey Alastor, did you mean what you said last night?"

Setting his drink to the side he replied, "What? When I said I loved you?"

I nodded.

"I meant every word of it."

Hell High | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now