The Next Day...

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Sure enough, the story of how I "attacked" Cassy was all over school by the next day. A twisted version of course. In her version, I had attacked her unprovoked, no mention of the latte being dumped on my head at all.

"I cannot believe this," I sighed, ripping off a sign reading 'psycho bitch' off my locker.

"It's just a small group being louder than the rest," Angel reassured me, "Most people are happy you punched her. We all know what a bitch she is."

Balling up the note, I threw it at the bottom of my locker to collect dust. Seeing my dejected look, Angel suggested, "We could release the video I took, you know. It would show what really happened."

I shoved my bag into my locker, "Won't that make it worse?"

Angel shrugged, "How? She attacked you first. You defended yourself."

"Yeah, but then she'll know we called her out as a liar and it will snowball from there," I replied. 

Angel grinned, "I told you it would be a war. But don't worry, you have Cherri, Alastor, and my handsome self."

I chuckled, "Alastor and I aren't an item."

Angel grinned, "That may change soon. Speak of the devil, here he comes."

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