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My stomach was full of butterflies as I checked and rechecked my appearance in the mirror. Alastor was on his way to pick me up for our movie date and I wanted to look perfect. Hell, I almost wished Angel was here to give me fashion advice. He was much better at this than I was. 

A knock on my door startled me. I answered it to find Alastor standing on the other side, his Cheshire grin stretched across his face, "You look beautiful."

I blushed as I shut the door behind us, "Thanks. What movie were you thinking about?"

Alastor grinned even wider, "They're showing Silence of the Lambs tonight. Is that alright?"

I raised an eyebrow but nodded. Somehow that seemed like an appropriate movie. 

We walked along the sidewalk in the soft red glow of the evening. If I was completely honest, Hell reminded me a lot of New York City...on a good day. I lost count of how many strung out drunks I saw in the alleys either passed out or vomiting their guts up. 

"You okay?" Alastor asked.

"Yeah," I gave him a small smile of my own, "It just been a long day with the rumors and everything."

Alastor took my hand in his, threading our fingers together, "Once Angel releases the video, people will see you were in the right. Don't let Cassy get to you. She's just jealous you are in the right."

Hell High | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now