Dirty Rumors

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Alastor wasn't at lunch. Nor was he at our independent music class. I was beginning to get a knot of dread in my chest. Had Cassy somehow gotten him kicked out of Hell High?

I realized why he had disappeared when I overheard a couple of girls whispering in the bathroom. I had hidden myself in a stall to change into a teeshirt after spilling my energy drink in the hall when they came in.

"It's a shame. He's really cute." One said with a dramatic sigh. I recognized Cassy's voice and swore silently as I remained as still as possible.

"Why would he even go out with her?" Cassy's mindless Barbie-like minion asked. I gritted my teeth, her sickly sweet voice made me want to punch her. 

"She's the best he can do," Cassy replied as if that was a fact. 

"That's the best Alastor can do?" Barbie minion said skeptically. 

"Don't tell anyone I told you this," Cassy said in a conspiratory tone, not bothering to lower her voice, "But after what happened with him and I, he might prefer a less...active...partner."

"Active?" Cassy's minion asked the question I had been thinking.

Sighing, Cassy replied slowly as if she was talking to an idiot, "The only thing 99.9% of teenagers are active in."

"I don't follow." Was the confused reply.

There was a sharp smack followed by Cassy's hissing tone, "Sex, you fucking moron. Do I have to spell everything out for you?"

"Wait, you slept with Alastor?" Barbie minion asked in a weak, still confused voice.

"Well, tried to," Cassy replied, "Poor guy, he charming and all, but he just couldn't rise to the occasion."

My jaw hit the ground. Cassy was pissed Alastor defended me so she was spreading a rumor that he couldn't get it up? How fucked up was that?

Thankfully, Cassy and her minion left, leaving me an anxiety riddled mess in my hiding place. I had to find Alastor. If he had disappeared, then the rumor was already all over school. 

"Fucking bitch," I swore, already formulating plans to make Cassy pay.

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